The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

I think you mean the Jail game.

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YEAH my bad my bad

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idk why i mixed it up with the other one i blame whoever mentioned it lmao /lh

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I can explain what happens tonight to pose a course of action for tomorrow in the plausible event that I perish.

The Mafia has to kill into the towncore no matter what, there’s no time to let paranoia fester. With this in mind, I would say that if anyone should die in order but doesn’t, feel free to reevaulate them; but this only really applies to the obvious town who would die anyway.

The Vigilante shouldn’t kill into the towncore because that helps Mafia, at least not until later into the game. This might look defensive but it’s common sense, and the Vigilante could exclusively kill townies and still be pro-town. Vigilante and Mafia kills should look distinct.


ok ill erase the paranoia :+1:

Agreed. If two members of the towncore ever die in a single night, we have a problem.

Yep. I think, I’m not sure what you’re asking. I agree with what Zug said.

am I being bullied :sob:
am I cassie?

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I was referring to Garfield bugs but this works!



i am sobbing right now
dont ask for proof though
just feel bad

gar and magnus not w/w :smiling_imp:

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just as planned


I still don’t feel great about any options
if Rhea is w then Someone is definitely town
but w!Rhea doesn’t necessarily mean w!Pandora either
I’d consider Rhea themselves, but they’re probably findable eventually if town, unlike Someone

Can confirm. :upside_down_face:

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tutuu when they return to the thread and see i made an anti w/w read without them


i feel bad for voting someone but tbh i dont know who else id pick

I think it would be nice if a lot of people put out not w/w reads
unlike with most reads, wolves are forced to only put out correct unpairings, so sheeping is a lot safer

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maybe my biggest problem is the fact ive seen NOBODY even attempting to keep them alive

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real shi im a not w/w soldier

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Rhea might be the most informational kill, all things considered.

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