The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

its possible you’re town
i dont have time to iso magnus
that’s my own fault

Is this your conclusion to the previous Magnus / Zugzwang conundrum?

zug feels genuine to me
i think you’re just hard to read if you’re town
and your sudden shift about me looks really bad to me because I am town
VOTE: Magnus
to say i voted someone this game
also a little :stuck_out_tongue:
at them

Given that you stated just before that you didn’t read my slot, and also that you didn’t read Zug… it’s because you feel as though my vote and the talk afore was reactionary.

i didnt do a proper read back
but I’ve read/skimmed everything at some point

i didnt take notes this game
and I have a terrible memory
when zug brought shit up I was like

I don’t know why I’m hard to read! I certainly don’t try to be. I’ve heard that I just feel lifeless but that’s such a subjective metric that I don’t know how to counteract it. I certainly try to be helpful.

that’s what makes zug so damn towny to me
and they confirmed it by how they reacted to my TR of you

For all my previous confidence, I’m not sure this is a hit at this point. I cannot help but think back to all the towny thoughts I told myself were borrowed from previous games. If it is not, perhaps I will get a chance to redeem my final-X losing streak.

attempted to compile my thoughts here, hopefully not forgetting anything

Magnus town Magnus wolf Gar town Gar wolf
Tutuu read changes reads D3 how a wolf has to, and townreads Gar without convincing people as a wolf has to towny perspective - 1132 if you were to be town
Puts Bys in bottom 4 at eod1 Leafia nightkill Magnus experience read pushes rhea = required push for w!Gar today
Good luck post - believes they get nightkilled for questionable reasons Rhea read
Magnus hitting vig makes more sense than Gar doing it Bystander’s early push

I can familiarise myself with Rhea’s impulses a lot.

GL all
I wish I did better this game
But I promise I tried and pushed myself to do all I could do

I cannot decide whether to place a vote for Magnus, or simply pray.

this is. mainly for myself if I’m gonna be honest
I wouldn’t be too surprised if Gar was wolf here, but like
VOTE: Magnus feels more likely

You’re going to tie.

im not that confident

Gar is town.

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that actually scared me

Final Votecount:

Garfooled (2): tutuu, Magnus
Magnus (1): Zugzwang

Not Voting (2): Rhea, Garfooled

If you have any corrections send them in your forum PM. You have 5 minutes