The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

…Are you asking me to scumread you?

Reevaluation is a two-way street. One person needs to be obviously town enough to warrant the other person doubting themselves and looking at the third party, because quiet entreatment towards the person you already distrust is to appeal, it’s passively harmful. It’s the last opportunity to reevaluate, and yet it’s also the last moment. There was time neglected beforehand.

At this point I’m resigned to being suspected no matter what, as a consequence of the day we’re on and everything afore. Seeing how others approach that suspicion is still intrinsically helpful to determining whether it’s good faith or not.

Magnus writing like they’re a god damn prosaic poet william shakespeare headass. im gonna need a drink.

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I’m quite proud of my writing! Sorry if it’s too encrypted, it doesn’t have to be that way; I could write in plaintext, it’s just not… instinctual. Habitual.

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Bystander’s other wolf game is no longer ongoing, so comparing the texts is now permitted.

Bystander sought to “passively” townread good players and scumread evil players; with “active” or nitpicky explanations being reserved for the villagers she wanted to frame. This wasn’t exclusive but it generally applied with some accuracy.

Bystander joined this game by passively combatting Tutuu’s position with no obvious reasoning, which they responded to by challenging Bystander’s opening bookmark. The justification for Bystander’s review order was less than committal, which Tutuu shrugged off at the time. However, this didn’t last for long; Bystander declared Tutuu as a villager and promptly never looked back.

The accusation against me was an example of an “active” clash, which Bystander too dismissed after a round of discourse. Conversely, Bystander only ever acknowledged Rhea’s name “once”, directly or otherwise; and it was the most obvious looking thing ever.

@Rhea I’ll be waiting for your input.

Sorry in advance for ill-formatted commentary, I’m rambling because it’s past midnight (these optimal hours) and I was waiting for others.

Tutuu’s opener is NAI, it’s a prewritten format they’ve consistently followed from game to game for reasons that aren’t quite clear to me. Nonetheless, Tutuu took the onus of blurting themselves out immediately with intense fervour, and such projection was smiled upon favourably.

This was fiercely maintained in the short term, as all motivation is before being burnt out.

This was perhaps an unduly generous unpairing read that I overlooked, but it’s forgivable in the context that early reads are the most likely to be accurate and Tutuu had confidence in their ability to review both slots either way. The Zugzwang and Magnus unpartnered read is entirely valid given the early data, let alone the later evidence.

(#68) is an unclear message in hindsight, since it asks Gar a question about a topic nobody expressed in the game thread; was this an old question?


Maybe this was a false start in RVS, but voting Garfooled for a tell they apparently told you about pregame seems… unusual?

Would you have preferred Gar to speak nothing on the matter of a tell they had already told you about, and then determine a read on you about it way later?

The Leafia separation wallcase is perfectly fine. Tutuu didn’t answer their own questions at #154), and this pattern held up later in the day where Tutuu asked questions of others without adding their own conclusions. Their response to Bystander’s alert was flamboyant, perhaps on par with how they responded to Zugzwang, but not to Gar or Leafia; and initiated their ~first easy townread on Bystander’s slot as well, despite agreeing that the prospective scumtell I named held weight. I think Tutuu meant it sounded like reasonable logic rather than bad faith?

The first day resulted in Tutuu forming a decisive conclusion to sheep my vote, taking responsibility out of their own hands, and declaring they’d lead later. This didn’t occur in my memory, although I could be overlooking it. Jail was Tutuu’s top townread, and wouldn’t necessarily be an unreasonable nightkill target irrespective of whether it was a vigilante hunt or not; I don’t know w!Tutuu well enough to guess whether they like playing evil for sport. Overcorrecting their read on Bystander D2 was the logical ultimatum given Pandora’s flip and the gamestate, so that’s all fine. The Magnus/Zug partnered read that came here is so crazy that the brainwave feels genuine, the freakout about pairing everyone with everyone less so but that’s a personality divergence.

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Analysing Rhea’s ISO yet again has less productivity than resting and waiting for a rundown on their thoughts, I think. There’s plenty of time, it’s fine. Don’t vote in my sleep, thanks. It’s rarely gone well.

(this was at me)

If I’m uncharitable this was a pocketing attempt, relying on knowing I’m town and taking advantage of my emotional relief of randing the less stressful alignment. If I’m charitable this was a reaction test (or simply a prod / question). If it’s the latter there should be a hint of it in Mangus’ later posts, so let’s see

Pleading fingertip emote?

How would you get nightkilled after both Mafia die? Actually I think you were matching my purposefully absurd tone due to the “instantly” so nevermind on this

Can I just vote Magnus and stop reading further? :joy_cat:

Now that I think about it they openwolfed like 10 more times throughout the game

As for the thing earlier - the supposed reaction test from the first post - it’s unclear whether there was a follow up. The next post that stood out to me and I quoted is Magnus town locking me. It’s possible that was the conclusion, or like to be more specific - that thing stood out to them so towny that they just made a conclusion and didn’t need to continue with what they started. it’s also possible there was no reaction test at all

This is an in-depth analysis on bystander and the conclusion was correct, bystander seems like was in her wolf meta in this game.

Earlier mentions of Bystander by Magnus were claiming not knowing anything about her:

(at the bottom of their list, meaning the least familiarity with her)

This might be a bit pedantic but why didn’t Magnus say “I decided to look over Bystander’s games (because I was unfamiliar with her) and my conclusion were A B C etc”

Or perhaps another way to word that could have been “Bystander doesn’t seem to X Y Z etc” - in present tense, to signify that Magnus looked over stuff now

The wording used is in past tense:

She did etc”

It feels to me like writing a report on a topic you have researched / are knowledgeable about (in the past (tense))

But this could be too pedantic tbh


Pretty much the entire post before the part I outlined dunks on bystander. “Bystander is a wolf because A B C this this that”. And then the conclusion is “Maybe she’s fine after all”

I’m concerned if this was a distancing attempt that serves multiple purposes:

  1. Have written evidence of “I, Magnus, pushed wolf Bystander, therefore I’m good”
  2. “But maybe she could be fine after all, if you guys don’t kill her I won’t be sad. Maybe we shouldn’t kill her, maybe we should let her live”

It’s a win/win for wolf Magnus regardless of bystander’s fate, and they could reasonably spin it to make themselves look regardless of bystander’s fate

(continuing after i catch my breath)

This was the fabled non pairing interaction and looking at it again I do like it. I do like it in the sense I’d be surprised / impressed if it’s w/w

The serious scolding tone, “Do not accuse me” etc

This too

This is funny in hindsight. I don’t exactly know how entertainment does Magnus derive from wolfing but if I was wolf I could see myself “I’m dropping a bomb shell on these two wolves. WITNESS ME (like from mad max)” and then case two villagers

This is inconvenient. I have Magnus’ ISO open. When I reply to a post and I submit it it puts me all the way to the end of their ISO. I need a better workflow

Surviving as town until end game is torture. It’s interesting, wanting to solve the puzzle is scratching my brain in all the good spots but it’s also making me go a bit crazy. Double-edged sword

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Well played to whichever one of you two is the wolf tbh. You are like a fucking cockroach.


Why did you elaborate that you did skim one of his past games (now), but not for bystander earlier?

I love being called an openwolf when I’m town. It happens all the time and it’s so funny because evils don’t want to look like they’re openwolfing.

The starting line about asking for your town rand stands as a (practiced) opener and reaction test from myself, since it helps to measure how expressively relieved people can be to ascertain purity. I’m not sure how asking about your town flip could pocket you, since it makes no attempt to convince you of anything; but I wouldn’t say it’s indicative of v!Magnus, either. It’s a null comment. I could have said nothing at all and I would have inevitably townread you all the same.

I didn’t phrase my response to the wallpost well at the time, I realised days ago and just never corrected it, but I imagined the helpless pleading emote fading into view while reading it. You know the one.

If Mafia are both killed consecutively and you’re nightkilled at the same time, you can theoretically die “after” they’re both dead in the morning. I was matching your absurdum, but I was also trying to mimic the tone of a hiding Vigilante by expressing my early focus on the PR mechanics.

The pedantic notice follows the structure of me actively reviewing and remarking on past events in old games. You might be questioning why I’d use past tense instead of present tense, but it’s the only thing that makes sense. Present tense makes it either sound vague, or applying to the entire game; and neither would establish my time writing it.

In the Hazbin Hotel game, Bystander injects false levity into her tone

Consider this as an example.

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It’s just a typing quirk, like why I named specific titles for Bystander’s old games but not for Zug. Specificity isn’t always called for and, contrary to popular belief, I am not a robot capable of perfectly reproducing my actions every time.

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I spent 20 minutes looking for a Magnus post claiming wolf and outlining wolf strategy for winning F3, it was in a reply to Gar, and now I can’t find it and I’m second questioning my sanity. I was beyond confident there were at least 10 openwolfing posts and I found them hilarious (before it got to F3)