The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

The play for wolf Rhea here is to opportunistically leap on Mangos and pocket me. And yet she’s not doing it.

The nightkills don’t make sense for Rhea to have done. Leafia NK implicates Magnus but also her. It doesn’t win her the game. The strongest factor is the Zug kill. Wolf Rhea always kills me last night and wins when Mag and Zug crossvote. Both of them townread her less than me, so she has every excuse to be alive in that F3. Keeping me with Mag is a harder F3 to win for wolf her. That isn’t to say that wolves don’t WIFOM final-X positions like that but it’s just more unlikely. If she decided to reduce her chances to win and I reward her for it - I wouldn’t feel bad. It’s logical I think

The way Rhea and Magnus treated bystander was different. Magnus reigned down hell on bystander but ended their post with “But maybe she is trying to improve, maybe she’s alright”. Magnus started a wagon on bystander D2 while she wasn’t a point of contention, it was a single vote wagon, but when me and Leafia hopped in they instantly unvoted. In contrast Rhea, if bussing bystander, got way less cred. She didn’t try to get any cred whatsoever. I don’t think Rhea is a player that’s unaware of the concept of bussing your teammates for towncred, and she, if wolf, could have probably seen bystander was dying. If Rhea is a wolf she purposefully chose not to receive cred for the bystander chop. This isn’t an impossible wolf play but it’s niche, it’s reserved for people who have meta on you and such. It doesn’t make sense for her to apply in here, most of us are strangers to her. When you play mafia with strangers the straightforward play is the way to go, you don’t overthink it.

Magnus was the person people kept telling me was mafia and I refused to listen. I don’t wanna disappoint my teammates. Leafia wanted it, Garfooled wanted it, Zugzwang wanted it. All of those I now know were town. I would feel bad not listening to them. It would suck if I lose to wolf Rhea, I really don’t wanna lose, but I don’t wanna disrespect their legacies. I’d rather that we win and lose as a team together.

All of this is on a macro scale.

On a micro scale,

I struggle to see the town mindset behind asking another player in F3 to scumread you. It doesn’t make sense to me. If Magnus is town, I am a variable to them. It’s a 50/50 between me and Rhea for them. Asking one of those variables to ISO a dead villager and consider scumreading them (Magnus) feels like a perspective slip; or to word it differently - it feels like being trapped in your own web of lies; you’re focused on being manipulative to the point where your perspective stops making sense

VOTE: Magnus

I apologize if I just threw the game. @Rhea come and collect your free win if so.

I would like to ask to not be flamed in post game and for people to stay civil. I don’t think it’s reasonable for anyone to be angry with me. Most of you also scumread Magnus. I asked you multiple times to consider scum Rhea, you told me “No”, and then you all died. I think it’s reasonable of me to listen to you. If we lost I don’t think it’s entirely on me. I did my best!

I unvoted Bystander because they were at L-1 a couple hours before EOD, not because I wanted to execute somebody else.

Aside from that misrepresentation, I’m okay with this outcome. I was leading towards a vote on your slot and I think you understood that.

@YoubutWorse @Silviu200530

This is a more important check.

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Leafia doesn’t know how to read my slot, she usually tinfoils me every time she’s town and I say this every time. Zugzwang played about as well as he could have, and his suspicion on me makes sense when all the other slots were trusted instead. Garfooled just didn’t like that I changed my vote on the penultimate day which is valid, they didn’t really suspect me afore for any reason.

My impression here, while we wait in this limbo state for the game to continue or end, is that you chose a strange iron to stick your vote on, when townreading Rhea would have been sufficient. Arguing that my questions towards you could have been an attempt to plead, or that my vote on Garfooled was horrible, or just recycling Gar’s case; instead of those, you question why I’d want you to examine my slot using substantiated material. Pretending it doesn’t exist is a strawman at best, and one can build stronger cases otherwise.

How are you feeling, Tutuu? It’s been a few days since we could just chat. It’s been intensely lonely.

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Anxious waiting to learn if I made the wrong vote

The strange thing is that I don’t feel very anxious at all, even though I’m not confident you’re evil. I wouldn’t quite describe it as resignation either; my nerves just feel flat. I think it’s because Rhea isn’t here so there’s nothing “to be done”, or maybe my energy was just burned out after I stopped listening to music.

If the game does end, I’ll have a lot to speak for with tragically horrible reads; you’ll know whether it does before I do, most likely.

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My sister keeps counting the minutes and it’s very annoying.

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Actually, I think I’ve felt this way in both my F3 Mafia games, which is especially interesting because it means it’s not about the alignment. It might be some impending dread.

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Well, at this point I’m going to assume the game’s continuing because I think we would’ve been told by now if it wasn’t.

VOTE: Tutuu (A nominal, meaningless vote that nonetheless encapsulates my intended vote today, albeit unverifiably, once I could talk with Rhea.)

I wanted to wait for the modconfirmation because I’m town but it’s really slow and boring and this just resonates. Way too late, my reads were rubbish all game, but I can nevertheless uncharitably justify it in my head.

On a level 1 basis, Tutuu townread Bystander on the first day; and then retracted this at dawn on the second day without ever casing Bystander, still pairing other independent sets of players (demonstrating no confidence nor any attempt to analyse Bystander or behaviour surrounding them except to unpair me with Bystander (now retracted with no progression on the final day out of necessity, I was going to vote Tutuu)); and no, Tutuu didn’t accuse Bystander on the second day either as seen at (#873).

Regarding the dynamics between Zugzwang and Magnus, Tutuu expressed early paranoia that the pair could be marionetting the game thread with their theatre, but didn’t take a stance except to townread us both until late yesterday. Tutuu almost did by voting me, but then conceded that their read felt real and they just wanted to vote Gar and Rhea in a row. This was yet another reversal that wasn’t very developed today, since Tutuu only mimicked my explanation for why it makes no sense for Rhea to kill Zug; a copy it might be, but correct in fundamentals.

Considering the nightkills: Tutuu could exclude themselves from the Vigilante pool, and Leafia as well for outright claiming it while also saying she was covering for the role. Considering that Tutuu and Leafia were the most uncontested townreads at the time, except for myself at dusk but that’s neither here nor there, Tutuu could have taken my mechpost as VT spew and from there only Zug and Jail remained in the towncore as not-spewed Vigilantes. With the Vigilante deceased, Tutuu killed the most townread player Leafia on N2; and then chose to murder Zugzwang on N3, because both themselves and Rhea townread him the most and Tutuu apparently didn’t get the memo that Zug would have voted me today; it would have been spectacular for all of sixty minutes.

This is an extravagant wallpost to prepare when there’s no necessity that the game is even continuing, but I felt like getting this out now. I think v!Tutuu would’ve nailed out a cohesive scumcase on me alongside the vote; not express positive and ambivalent points about my slot, ignore Rhea’s ISO today and cast the first vote just because they had to.

Present tense past tense. @The-Showrunners.

This is brutal, huh.

Magnus (1): tutuu
tutuu (1): Magnus

Not Voting (1): Rhea

After spending a night thinking about it, I have been able to come to a confident conclusion regarding my thoughts on who the last wolf is. It is as follows: I don’t know.

I won’t deny that my thoughts decline significantly in quality when I do not have somebody to bounce them off of. My confidence comes from the fact that I know any bad argument that I make can be picked apart by somebody that I trust, and I do not have the luxury of such trust here.

I am currently leaning toward voting Magnus for the simple reason that many of their posts feel reverse-engineered from the question “what is the last thing a wolf would say here?”. Their play fits their self-described strategy of soliciting early townreads in order to push agenda later, and I don’t quite see how they have arrived at the conclusion I am town here (though tutuu has done the same, so maybe I cannot fault them for it). Magnus also tried to claim more credit for their case on bystander than I think they deserved in a cautious, testing-the-waters way.

However, there are substantial points against tutuu, ones which I was avoiding expressing in hopes that they would bait a nightkill on him that never came. I think that was a mistake, as it prevented me from actually thinking them through before I would be thoroughly trapped in my own head. The L0 reasons that he might be town do not hold anymore in the face of everybody else meeting those criteria. He voted for Magnus exactly when he needed to as either alignment. bystander’s posts are possible to see as paired with either player, with Magnus’s being a more active effort to look unaligned and tutuu’s being a more passive play intended to boost a partner’s position.

I struggle especially to find posts particularly alignment-indicative in an environment where players have both already been tested by fire to be surface-level towny and survival is the only objective. I know for a fact the wolf here can mimic a town mindset well, and I don’t know if there is much I will learn with further questioning. I suppose it is time to keep reading.

Early bystander/tutuu interactions

Actually… I have been wolfreading these for tutuu, for the “walk-through display of a townread” that tends to be good at boosting partners’ positions, but I wonder if a wolf wouldn’t be more careful about a partner here.

Later bystander/tutuu interactions

The “^^” emote here is a tonal inconsistency that is driving me a little bit up the wall, and these interactions are ones I could see as antispew on the way out in either direction. Would a dying wolf be so bold as to blatantly seem to spew tutuu town here by asking “why me”? Or is bystander trying to look good for a townie in hopes of avoiding death? bystander’s death was not so certain here: Magnus was already voting for me.

Where is the credibility in making this unvote? How does it help push agenda? Would a w!tutuu really think that he could save bystander here, with this alone?

If tutuu were simply a copy of me, I would read this as hard unaligning. As a wolf, I tend to pick a path and commit to it, leaving no room to lightly test the waters by poking at the vote count to see if I could save a partner. Either I save my partner by casing somebody else and let them endgame, or I do not save them and I retain my vote (unless I believe it would boost my own position to move it).

I can see other players, however, trying to pursue an alternative execution and then backing down. I do not know tutuu’s playstyle well enough to analyze whether this is within his wolfrange. The average person’s… no, not really, but tutuu got here by being towny, didn’t he?

Late bystander/Magnus interactions

This hostility feels very out of place. There’s no similar hostility in bystander’s interactions with absolutely anybody else. Again, I do not know bystander well enough to judge her exact mindset when interacting with her wolf partners, but for a player who was going out and having their partner distance from them… it feels like it could be indicative of partnership. Would a wolf really antagonize a villager so close to voting for them?

Well… I do not think I am going to learn much more. I have read what I have. Shall I end it?

I think the way bystander treated Magnus is more likely to be paired than how she treated tutuu. She went out of her way to argue with Magnus, to be abrasive in a way that she wasn’t with anybody else, while she was much more casual in her interaction with tutuu.

This is not the only thing making me decide this, but it is the nail in the coffin for me. Let us end this game.

VOTE: Magnus.

Magnus (2): tutuu, Rhea
tutuu (1): Magnus

Magnus has been executed! Flip coming shortly…

Magnus was…

Ragatha (Vanilla Town)

“I am in so much pain!”

You are vanilla town. The only weapons you have are your voice and your vote.

Defeat the mafia.

Mafia has reached parity with town, meaning they have met their win condition!

Congratulations to the mafia team of