The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

I think of it like a picture frame, drawing particular focus to one player.

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In any case, I like using my evil terminology as town. It feels constraining to be barred away from certain terminology.

You can frame a guilty party. We donā€™t need the connotations that I think theyā€™re innocent, because thatā€™s just unneeded subtext.

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Most people would say ā€œThis looks bad for Xā€ to convey they think it looks suspicious but withold their personal judgement

ā€œIt looks like X was framedā€ conveys that they think they look suspicious but their personal judgement is that theyā€™re town / innocent

(You can speak however you want!! Iā€™m just saying!)

the worst part is the fact tutuu won :pensive:


Donā€™t think I didnā€™t see what you said about me. Language, please. There will be consequences.

Just read Tutuuā€™s wall. Itā€™s a good wall, I mean that level of research and attention to detail cannot be argued with.

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true, iā€™m never gonna hear the end of it. heā€™s already asking me for praise in DMs.


Vig10er is objectively more townsided than 9v2 Mountainous, the only exception is if the Vig is executed during the day which shouldnā€™t happen in a serious playerlist (You avoid this by not CFDing and not FPSing)

Even in the best case scenario for wolves: Kill Vig N1, Vig shoots Town N1, the math lines up to make it exactly the same as 9v2 Mountainous - Town has 3 avaliable mischops before LyLo (the vig shot is one of them). This is what happened here - Someone, pandora and Garfooled were the mischops town was allowed to make before LyLo

Kill the Vig any later than N1 and town has the potential to gain more and more. The vig is also an IC that canā€™t be CCed because town never needs to chop into them, they can shoot each other, and town is allowed to no-execute if they need to

That said I donā€™t know if 9 v 2 Mountainous is a balanced setup. Iā€™ve heard opinions that itā€™s wolfsided. I just did the math that Vig 10er is more townsided than it

Iā€™m not arguing that Vig10er is an overall townsided setup, I just compared it to one of the most popular ones


12 v 3 Mountainous is unanimously wolfsided. Well that was an exaggeration. Majority think itā€™s wolfsided and I agree. 9v2 is probably less wolfsided

9v2 is mountainous is pretty balanced but as you use a lower number of wolves thereā€™s higher variance and itā€™s easier for a team to snowball


i donā€™t think i have ever seen wolves win a vig 10ā€™er in long form games, at least not on this site


Killing the Vig on N2 is also fine for wolves. That puts the number of players to even, they need to sleep at MyLo. Town doesnā€™t get an extra execution

Failing to kill the Vig by N2 is when town gets an extra kill. They basically stole one of Mafiaā€™s kills, and transformed it into a town-lead kill

there was a turbo game where I made it to f4 as a vigilante, it really depends upon when mafia kills the vigilante as if you kill it early on it can be very helpful for mafia, while if you leave it to f4 well


So to summarize, the only differences (in my analysis) compared to 9v2 mountainous is that in Vig 10er mafia gets punished if they kill the Vig later than N2 and also a random town player will become an IC that they canā€™t execute

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even if they kill it early on itā€™s functionally the same number of MLs as 9v2 mountainous (which iā€™d argue is sliiightly townsided)

but yes if the vig lives to f4 itā€™s kinda broken. though itā€™s probably on wolves at that point


the only problem is if the vig makes a bad shot lol


I did so badly that game I killed town and people were what the viiglante was doing and then I shot misty (mafia)
It was also my first ever turbo game and I rolled pr and was frozen

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It grants a single player the ability to decide executions which has variance yeah