The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

the MU games I looked at had pretty low postcounts, and in some Phraze was subbed out
buuuuuuuut they’re also all nearly 2 years old or older, so IDT it’s meaningful

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If someone continues to avoid posting/contributing, I’ll simply just call for them to die because at that point they obviously do not or cannot participate in the game in a meaningful way.

Letting someone cook doesn’t mean not pressuring them, it means don’t preemptively jump to the gun of killing them.

(But ultimately, I do get what you mean, I just chronically say stuff that probably didn’t need to be said or even is counterproductive to say. Like putting a “Let them cook” shield on a null.)

Spamposting has ruined my brain, I cannot comprehend slanking out of games despite having literally slanked out of games before / being low poster before.





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Damnable autocorrect tbh

Slash words being one letter off with the relevant letters being right next to each other on the keyboard

in life, you’re either a slanker or a spanker

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Ok I guess I’m here for now

Although still mobileposting

I assume you all have found a good wagon on someone whose posting is actually terrible and not just someone who openly told the thread they couldn’t post today, right?

Who are you referring to when you say this?

He is sarcastically venting about himself or others being mischopped in prior games after saying they couldn’t post a lot

I didn’t check what the wagons were like

I was afraid I’d wake up to like five votes on me

This used to happen a lot in the past whenever I couldn’t pull an Apocryphal

Please allow players to answer questions for themselves, rather than volunteering answers for them.

My phone is at 12% I’m dying

Thank you.

I actually find this quite villagery: a wolf who is genuinely worried that they will come back and find themselves a top wagon (because they are a wolf) can simply check the votes and see that it isn’t the case. It is a worry that most everyone has, and it is a worry that is distinctly seen as a consequence of being a wolf and thoroughly suppressed. Posting this in the thread as a wolf would be virtually tantamount to openwolfing, at least to a player without an established meta of doing so as town.

Meanwhile, somebody worrying about being misexecuted as town is something people are plenty willing to express in thread, given the people around them are the ones who can stop it, and the majority of players have a town win-condition would prefer to stop a misexecution. That isn’t true as a wolf.

I had this thought when I first saw Creature’s post, but I wanted to hear him explain what he was saying and why he was saying it in order to be more sure. I find his explanation and his previous complaint in his opener in line with the idea that he is a villager worrying about being misexecuted.

Of course, I do not know Creature. There is a chance he is simply replicating a meta that he has as town, and so I cannot be entirely sure that this is a villager’s behavior, but it is absolutely behavior that initially comes from a villager mindset, whether this game or a previous one he is copying, and so I find it very towny.

Pull and Apocryphal…

Things I hate about FoL

It shortens my ellipses to three dots only

Is Rhea Kuti plz?