The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

I just remembered
I had a dream where sheep’s pronouns (removed) were actually supposed to be pronounced and were real


Where I’m going is i expect mafia kills to be on active players and we should be wary of it, specially watchers/doctors


ahh ok


i have to get ready for and go to work
if its slow ill play there

these are my clears out of POE atm

@Zugzwang I will get back to you when I get I chance I promise


VOTE: Bionic

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Lmao it is not real for the record and also something I genuinely had no idea was there

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…was that your password :joy:

Nah lmao :skull: idk what that is

Funny that this exchange killed the thread

Funny that the thread being dead means I should probably read the zugzwang tutuu marluna thing but I just don’t want to

This game also just randomly dies often

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What’s your reason for thinking sulit is a wolf, are you sheeping me or do you have independent reasons?

Yes but not super strongly
Definitely more than I did on D1, but I have remaining paranoia that my early take mightve been right because I do tend to have better reads the less I interact with the thread (probably cause then I have no biases)

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Me when 4 am deadline

I do not townread luxy personally to be honest

Just felt the need to speak my truth

No I have not read their posts thoroughly

I think it’s interesting (and not in a wolfy way) that sulit’s clears look way different from the consensus
Cause the consensus is either following me or has reached similar conclusions, which makes me think if sulit is town, she’s more correct and I’m probably about to misexe a bunch of villagers if my readlist is that borked
Problem is I just don’t know if I think sulit is town. It’s not because she’s been lower activity, and it’s not because I flat-out disagree with her reads. It’s that I’m not convinced she’s been in the thread enough to actually have these names as clears.

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I’m lukewarm on creature btw
I thought he was wolfy earlier yesterday but then he kinda towned it up in a way I’d believe was genuine
But I also think that he’s capable of being less polarized than he’s generally believed to be, so I wouldn’t clear him off it
I’ve just kinda shelved his slot as a “later problem” because I believe if he’s town and stays alive till endgame he will still be able to find a say to clear himself. I’d be more worried about Phraze and Marluna, if they’re town. And I’m decently convinced on Phraze now.

Oh yeah, this reminds me, does Rhea have another username or is she just Rhea? Cause I don’t think I’ve played with her before, but her playstyle seems very familiar.

Also, I agree with what Lee said here.