The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

To be fair, even townies can be nervous at game start

I’d say let Phraze cook a bit before making any real judgement

VOTE: Phraze

This is a towny vote.

I will say I talked a bit with May and he mentioned Phraze slanked in the last game he saw her in

so maybe Phraze frequently [slanks / low efforts], and we shouldn’t read a lack of effort towards looking better as towny

When was this game played?

I would ask May but that’s probably an integrity breach
I can try to find Phraze’s games on MU for more data tho

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I hallucinated this. She didnt say that shes excited in the fol discord server or in the sign up thread like i thought

So nvm

(I suspected her claiming excitement and then feeling afraid of wolfing but she didnt claim it she just said she wants to play)


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So it really is probably just a “let Phraze cook a bit before making any sort of judgement” lmao

This may be a fairly objective piece of meta, but I would still prefer not to rely on details from games I was not in to judge somebody’s character. It would be one thing if I had full information here, but I do not know the nature of that “slanking” (it is a broad term: I frequently struggle to meet post minimums and can be difficult to get a hold of, but I do not think I am a player one would consider “low effort”), I do not know what causes her to low-post (a player who has a busy schedule may give little time but great effort toward their posts, a player who does not care much about mafia may give great time but little effort in their posts, and this affects the nature of reading them), and I do not know when it occurred (much can change in a few years, and a player returning to mafia is less likely to put a low level of effort into a game). I would prefer to just take this game as evidence in isolation.


So many words to say “second hand meta can get fucked”

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I do not think passing judgment prevents Phraze from “cooking”, so to speak. It is fine to make interim reads on players who you believe will provide more readable content later on. It often enhances the readability of their later content, as it provides them with a specific pressure to respond to. I think it is fine to pass judgment on Phraze right now, so long as we understand there is not much information to go off of here and remain open-minded. This kind of attitude often incentivizes players to avoid posting to prevent players from expressing solid reads on them.


the MU games I looked at had pretty low postcounts, and in some Phraze was subbed out
buuuuuuuut they’re also all nearly 2 years old or older, so IDT it’s meaningful

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If someone continues to avoid posting/contributing, I’ll simply just call for them to die because at that point they obviously do not or cannot participate in the game in a meaningful way.

Letting someone cook doesn’t mean not pressuring them, it means don’t preemptively jump to the gun of killing them.

(But ultimately, I do get what you mean, I just chronically say stuff that probably didn’t need to be said or even is counterproductive to say. Like putting a “Let them cook” shield on a null.)

Spamposting has ruined my brain, I cannot comprehend slanking out of games despite having literally slanked out of games before / being low poster before.





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Damnable autocorrect tbh

Slash words being one letter off with the relevant letters being right next to each other on the keyboard