The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

By the end of Day 4, I couldnt hold the vote on Bystander and I was right.


ignore me

Yeah if I’d tracked you, I would’ve said I was roleblocked to get a reaction, and then you would say you holstered. And I wouldn’t be able to refute that because the result would also look like that.

The problem is just that I didn’t track YOU. And imo, that’s for the better because we do have a mechanical inconsistency.

You shouldnt have tracked me or sheep in that night, you’re suppose to catch possible attacker who’s not capable of blocking!

That is why I holstered

Yeah but you’ve been a wagon and not steering the eod flips

Bystander steered the hippo flip, I steered the sulit flip, and everyone basically piled on Marluna. At least you don’t have that kind of dirt on you, lol.

Because I would otherwise mess your result!

Do you understand that if no kill had happened, I would’ve known from tracking sheep who the killer was if you had holstered as you claimed? Because I get the track target.

No you wouldn’t, wtf

Yes I do!

its not hard to understand, if you and me happen to pick the same target, you get no result

You only mess up my results if you jail exactly ME (or sheep I guess)
Jailing anyone else in the game would’ve been completely fine

You wouldnt believe me anyway!

That’s not a problem because then you and sheep claim who you blocked, we get two names, and if there’s no kill we have a very nice poe of two!

I actually think it’s wolfy that you kept saying you would holster as if that’s useful

You’re taking away one of towns only defenses against the killer because creature can’t be protected

Sheep claims to be block Phraze and you believe that?

Jesus christ this is so fucking pointless

I’m going to work, ttyl

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I fucking know that and I hoped Sheep would pick the right target

In my view, holster is useful. Maybe sheep is lying about roleblocking Phraze.