The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

Was it wrong for me on Phraze? I believe it was right and Bystander definitely is right too, but at the end of the day my vote is elsewhere, despite what I said about not removing my vote on Bystander.

Why would I and Bystander each other, when focusing on Phraze and not fight each other is enough? What give you impression Phraze is N3 town Vigilante, that contradicts Bystander’s JOAT claim?

Phraze claim to shoot me but got stopped, Apocryphal have healed Luxy N3

I’m undecided but leaning towards a no on phraze being a wolf. I don’t think voting her was wolfy because I’m the one who started the push anyway. I think her claim kinda doesn’t mean anything but her posts today have been better.

I don’t think you and bystander, if you’re w/w, planned at all for phraze to come in suddenly and put bystander in hammer range, but I also don’t really know what that means for phraze so I’m kinda ignoring it for a bit to see what else I can come up with.

Phraze could still be a wolf with bystander but I don’t think she is a wolf with you, if that makes any sense.

Yeah my point is, if phraze is actually a scum N3 vig it’s very logical she would’ve tried to kill Luxy

Then who is the N2 Vigilante? Clearly not me.

In which case she didn’t try to kill you
She probably only tried to kill you if she’s town

Could’ve been bystander, honestly

Cause that’s what we thought earlier but then she claimed joat

Sulit jailed her on N1 and she said nothing
so claiming JOAT who docced me is a reasonable cover if she actually had no action on N1

Hmm…what makes this world possible?

Bystander’s N3 claim was to voyeur you
If she’s the N2 vig, she could claim to doc me on N1 and claim to voyeur you on N3 with very little risk
Especially since phraze supposedly contradicted bystander, or technically not if she was roleblocked, but if for example you were docced or jailed on N3 then bystander would’ve just lied

Doc and voyeur are both hard to prove
Voyeur a little more risky to fakeclaim unless you know that the wolf team is in control of most of the actions that night

I am ignoring that bystander would have to account for doctors because it was very obvious Apo would never doc you

(Real examples shown in game that Sulit is dead and Apo claimed to have healed Luxy instead)

Sulit claimed odd night jailkeeper but she claimed to jail bystander on N1
And flipped town so she was telling the truth

Bystander claimed to doc me on N1 which is completely unprovable regardless, because I wasn’t the N1 kill

But bystander claimed so late in the day yesterday that I think she just assumed since we didn’t see a vig, that the vig was dead

Unless phraze is a wolf and shot Luxy and got stopped by Apo’s doc

Which we have explored that possibility.


Two wolf vigilantes are big trouble if that is true