The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

could u summarize what you’ve concluded so far about others? any major thoughts?

Before Day 5, I have no reason to suspect both of you for being mafia and initially I did, but that’s because of minor things, nothing to worry about.

Frostwolf103 (2): Bionic, Phraze
sheepsaysmeep (1): Frostwolf103

Not Voting (5): LittleLee, Apocryphal, Luxy, WindwardAway, sheepsaysmeep

What might have changed?

In case you missed. Wind claimed she’s being roleblocked, thus the prime suspect falls down to me and Sheep. One of them did roleblock.

I was roleblocked by Sheep by N2, he admitted to that. But this time, he claim to have roleblocked Phraze.

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Even if it is slight, it’ll be worth bringing up the finer details of.

The problem they do have, is that I said to have holstered rather than using my action on who I suspects, like Bionic or Phraze.

So that just leaves Wind seemingly role blocked out of the blue, with no one to possibly claim if we know the only two that can do such are you and sheep-

That is correct, out of the rolelist, only me and Sheep are capable doing this

(I recall there being a list of confirmed roles, do you have it?)

Based on this, I want to assume there is a slight possibility one of you two were lying to begin with.
Might it be common for wolves to trade claims?

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Phraze and Bionic are the ones I am reading up to them they are mafia due from social deduction I concludes.

What’s worse from Phraze is that they claim an role that isnt proved and that also includes another roleblocker still active, one thing for sure it will be impossible for the other roleblocker to stop Wind at Night 4. Again no one claimed to have stopped Phraze and there’s no reason for wolf roleblocker to stop Phraze from performing vig action. Apocryphal for instance would have been ideal target to block, although I dont recall Apo claimed during Day 3.

Phraze is suppose to do ISO analysis on Bionic today but seems to have dipped out.

Bionic is my second scum player I set eyes on, especially that Bystander is shielding Bionic at that time when he was 5 vote wagon and Bystander’s first to unvote, if Wind is actually the wolf here then there’s the other detail I find suspicious that Bystander is accusing Tutuu of bad faith, instead of Wind who enables Tutuu to vote Bionic even then it’s some ‘decent’ reason according to Wind.

Its a small point towards Bionic but some details are interesting to know.

Luxy while ignoring the alignment check from Bionic, have good town lead vibes.

LittleLee is close to wolflean but still resides on Null, I have pointed out the lurking from D1 posts before and the claim comes bit late to make it proveable, especially with two deaths.

Initially I thought this is signal from LittleLee for bussing push narrative between Bystander, Bionic and Apocryphal.

Apocryphal as last but not least, I have impression from real life posting that she does help engage in helpful discussion throughout the day, as wolf that’s clever cover. But I think she’s town for this.

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I posted it now.

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@LittleLee if Phraze claim is true, somebody falsely claimed the other role.

But for N1/N3 Roleblocker to work, I would have blocked Phraze during N3 and Sheep blocked Wind as partners.

JOAT with roleblock, tracker and Rolecop is also missing, two wolves with JOAT is pretty goated if you asked me.

But having two vigilantes may be too much


Likewise, why did Bionic only go for the most Luxy and not Bystander, WindWardAway, Phraze or Tutuu?

One thing I can understand from perspective, is that Bystander is the first to unvote. But still wants opinions on Bystander :stuck_out_tongue:

Tutuu being open wolving, quote quote, hasnt decide to check on her. How convienient she died :thinking:

Phraze is forgotten, null. It is brought up later.

WindWardAway is also null and like as Phraze has brought no meaningful content up until later.

Seems a bit pin pointy. Even if it makes sense for a wolf alignment cop to only target another wolf to simply spread good word.

You see, if N3 Vigilante is real. Why would N2 Alignment Cop be real?