The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

Ok I’m boarding a plane for now have fun team

Yeah I asked him if he had any reason to vote you other than sheeping and he said no
So at least he was honest lol

what’s creature’s wolf meta?

aside from possibly creature I’d go with Luxy or Phraze
Luxy didn’t have many examples of finding you town quickly as I’d expect so I trust your tell more now

And their reason for voting sulit in their first post didn’t seem real at all.

I guess I’m also fine with voting Creature if we want a wagon there
I don’t want to split wagons even further, though, because I have to go in a few minutes
On the other hand i think luxy’s more recent posts look better
I’m just kinda miffed at the idea that a bunch of the lowposters in the game have polarized metas because that’s just… weird

I think maybe some of them were on MU? And oldFoL.
but I don’t remember which games those were, probably Anni or something and not the years where I was wolfing on MU lol
the Old FoL archives I can’t be arsed to look through tbh

Creature is way more active and can be a leader as town
As a wolf he’s a nothingburger like sulit found

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Yeah I just got a big ??? from that vote and reasoning

oh also

this from Bionic pings me, combined with this post from earlier:

I wouldn’t call either of these wolfy on their own
but together they kinda look like Bionic is TRing Hippo, or at least not suspecting him, which doesn’t make much sense

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not trying to wagon Bionic today to be clear, just noting it

If im voted eod my role is in the bottom 6 of rolecards in op

I sleep. Bionic seemed legit mad which felt a bit towny. Everyones townyish idk who it is. Probably about to be snowed by an active good player lol

See you tomorrow hopefully

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Tbf creature has complained about being held to a super high town!creature standard which is why I wanted to go easy on it and give time lol

But yea historically he struggles much more as wolf and is generally polarized, although it has gotten much better in recent years, yadda yadda

But yea I might feel bad like suddenly starting to push it at the end of this day lol idk if I could be moved to


Oh and to add to this, I doubt I have many examples of finding Luxy as town quickly
He said above that he thinks he takes 2-3 days to make himself more obvious as town and I’d say that sounds about right
I got hung up on the microtells, though, and I’m still wary of him
I don’t mind if we want to give him time to breathe, though, since I think the polarized players have a wolf or two in them
But it would be a hecking weird game if there are only slankwolves, because it feels too easy, and also because I seem to be the one pushing it the most for meta reasons. It’s not like it’s improbable, since I’ve played more than a couple games where the entire wolfteam went under the radar and town self-destructed out of paranoia, but with 17 players I would assume at least one wolf is semi-active, particularly if their partners are on the chopping block

[quote=“Zugzwang, post:1408, topic:9100”]
oh also

this from Bionic pings me, combined with this post from earlier:

Hippo you’re doing like your jail game, people will consider your reads weak if you don’t give your reasonings

The jail references confuse me because I haven’t read the game, but as I understood it, hippo was pushing bionic because bionic was a wolf there and posting similarly to how he is posting in this game. I don’t know if bionic was just mocking hippo for this or why he brought it up.

Rip quote

Unfortunately, you just have to trust me lol - it’s hard when you haven’t played since 2021 (excluding FAM2) and the couple of games upon my return this year

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Honestly I never used to hold him to a high standard as town
It was more like, has a pulse? Town. Sounds dead? Wolf.
It’s totally fine if he wants to take it easy as town but I don’t exactly get the feeling he has a pulse here.

I also think Bionic actually said hippo was town earlier on but then flipped on that once Hippo voted him:

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I hosted jail so I read it
Bionic played very normal there, and was generally townread by most people

a while back, it was a towntell for Bionic to be really bullheaded and annoyingly aggressive, and to make terrible and overconfident pushes
whereas, when Bionic was wolf, he would be pretty tame and more normal

Bionic has unfortunately learned to imitate his town meta as wolf though, as seen in FAM4 (kinda badly though) and Singers FM (pretty well), and he’s also made his townplay more sane (seen in Virtuous V)

so at this point I don’t have much of an effective meta read on him, other than to try to see if he appears to be imitating his town meta while not actually doing it

I don’t know if Hippo is looking at Bionic’s play here and going “hmmmm it’s more sane, like Jail” or if there’s something deeper

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SDA has been underwhelming but I also don’t think that makes him a wolf - he feels similar to Singers FM here.

Like I’ll self pres there if I have to but I think there are better options today

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oh also if you’d like to look back at jail for yourself, keep in mind it’s a vote for town game, where the wolf wincon was to get 2/3 wolves eliminated