The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

pretty funny too, because I replaced into that wolf slot, said absolutely nothing to my teammates, and opened the thread and wrote, “My night 0 is x”, who was my partner lmao, in my first post


She did say be back in 40 hours but id also like her to exsplain how idot is obvious scum

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whew, just finished an intense scum sweep on mu that was taking a lot of my focus

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Isn’t it less “he’s opposed to bussing on Principle” and more “it’s not productive for Achro to bus because he will die later for being alive, it’s better for his teammates to bus him”? He’s perfectly willing to case and distance from teammates, he just prefers not to win those fights. Talking about it like it’s some “anti-bus” meta is reductive & unproductive

If you think anybody Achro suspects (as wolf) is town you have not seen literally all of his endgames

@tutuu We lose on anticlaim if Achro is not wolf here and I’m willing to vote him out however please don’t make bullshit arguments from bullshit land. Here’s a bunch of Achro wolfgames.

Splatfest Revenge
Purgatory II

hey, those are some boring ones. check out morb and umineko

His usual playbook is treating his partners variably but softly early on, but rarely hard bussing them to the point where town picks up on it and runs with it (especially D1, because he has outsized influence there), because credibility is meaningless for him - if he’s not nightkilled, he’ll be suspected. He’ll tend to begin to distance from partners as the game goes on and people’s opinions get more fixed, and toward the endgame, he’s very likely to hard bus in order to ensure whoever goes over ends up in a much better position - generally ideally his partner lives, because again, that partner is less likely to be immediately suspected for not being dead.

I have made probably 50 different arguments about Achro being mafia. Did you read all of them? You singling out one and calling it unproductive and bullshit is unproductive of you as well. You could have just corrected me.


I didn’t watch Umineko!!! Morb yeah fair that’s a good one let’s get that in here

I am just correcting you!! I just like swearing

And it is pretty bullshit

I like it when my scum games are studied.

so given ur meta knowledge, whats ur possible team with Achro?

tbf i think whenever i see someone write, “they are in anti-spew mode”
i want to puke :face_vomiting:

I literally said I wanted Achro voted out (because, again, I think we lose on anticlaim if we do not do it).

My endgames are straight garb. I tend to get reverse swept a lot. You seem to know what you’re doing there, so I always keep an eye on it.

I dunno because he’s not been making any particularly strong pushes that jump out at me as potentially paired. (Also I have not read him back and will not do so until he actually flips, I’m not confident enough to preflip here and doing so will put me in the confbias brain zone.)

Hey now, I love saying people are in antispew. When I am a wolf. “Blatant antispew yeah just kill them” = wolf May, I don’t say this as town


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removing an anti claim or not, we likely just lose here if they arent a wolf, so if this is simply, vote to remove a claim, than you are incorrectly playing this day phase if u are town

aww come on, you both reached the same destination. dont be so hard on them

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