The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

I have made probably 50 different arguments about Achro being mafia. Did you read all of them? You singling out one and calling it unproductive and bullshit is unproductive of you as well. You could have just corrected me.


I didnā€™t watch Umineko!!! Morb yeah fair thatā€™s a good one letā€™s get that in here

I am just correcting you!! I just like swearing

And it is pretty bullshit

I like it when my scum games are studied.

so given ur meta knowledge, whats ur possible team with Achro?

tbf i think whenever i see someone write, ā€œthey are in anti-spew modeā€
i want to puke :face_vomiting:

I literally said I wanted Achro voted out (because, again, I think we lose on anticlaim if we do not do it).

My endgames are straight garb. I tend to get reverse swept a lot. You seem to know what youā€™re doing there, so I always keep an eye on it.

I dunno because heā€™s not been making any particularly strong pushes that jump out at me as potentially paired. (Also I have not read him back and will not do so until he actually flips, Iā€™m not confident enough to preflip here and doing so will put me in the confbias brain zone.)

Hey now, I love saying people are in antispew. When I am a wolf. ā€œBlatant antispew yeah just kill themā€ = wolf May, I donā€™t say this as town


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removing an anti claim or not, we likely just lose here if they arent a wolf, so if this is simply, vote to remove a claim, than you are incorrectly playing this day phase if u are town

aww come on, you both reached the same destination. dont be so hard on them

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Every single person who has claimed is a dead slot walking. We have done the math. Winning while voting out a non-claim requires wolves to kill the 3P or hit into a protect. Itā€™s not playing incorrectly, itā€™s playing the only way we can really win.

Obviously, ā€œhaving claimedā€ isnā€™t the only thing weā€™re voting Achro for - of the claims, you, him, beancat - we want him dead the most, but, likeā€¦ voting out a non-claim here is immensely more risky because of the poison. Of course thatā€™s going to influence our decision.

I read a bit of Morbtainado and my tone instantly changedā€¦ I miss when I could thinkā€¦

great, thanks for reminding me, why this anti claim is garbage

You, uh, should not have needed a reminder about the anticlaim. Massclaim is and always has been our loss condition as town.

I wonā€™t pretend Iā€™m blameless in this, but, uh, we collectively skill issued.

I specifically am maybe the most blameful letā€™s be honest. Whatever

i mean the fact of the matter is, the anti claim basically makes it so town canā€™t talk about anything, wolves just kill people who have never claimed or softed anything, and then in one swell swoop u just poison everyone

i didnā€™t need a reminder, but the fact of the matter is, you are lowering your PoE, because we lose if we hit an unclaimed town, when there is a decent chance that a majority of evils are unclaimed

End game might be 2 town 1 3p 1 mafia

If the 3p dies on achieving win thats good

We still have majority for tomorrow because its a poison so thats good. I think weā€™re fine. If they kill more than 2 people in anti claim we lose. I hope they wonā€™t
