The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

The question I have is why would Zug make such an assumption based on your posting speed. How many times have you played with Zug? Would he have any reason to naturally correlate this with your alignment based on experiences from playing with you?

logic about what? i literally dont understand the argument at this point

i don’t claim to know stuff, i’m just asking questions. i understood your posts as you saying assumption = bad

if this is really important to you i’ll need you to walk me through stuff step by step. because i don’t understand what is the issue here

-t 16/50

mmmmm idot feels towny here
might be solviness idk

regardless I think their assumption is fine
comes from a place of “why is there something here that I’d do differently as wolf” which makes sense to ask
and yeah I’d say them not seeing my view intuitively is reasonable for them given that they feel the hard-to-make posts are the logical / thought-out ones

i’ve played with him a few times. he hasn’t seen me wolf. he has no reason to naturally correlate my alignment based off my typing speed. i thought that he’s doing that. it seemed weird to me. so i questioned him about it

-t 17/50

this reminds me tho
you do see me look at timestamps every two seconds
so why would it be strange for me

Anywhere between post 147 and Post 217 above.


not counting SDA.

That leaves

Kiiruma, bean, someone, hal, sultan, psyaryu, IGCD, Kabazame and Achro

Besides Achro, everyone else on the bottom list has not posted at all. I will ignore SDA’s post about softing roles here.

i think that you use it for other stuff. you made other reads based off it. to confirm whether or not people checked something. stuff like that. confirm that may went to check baker’s flip. i haven’t seen you use it as a general read to read ppl based off general speed

-t 18/50

what does this mean im confused

mmmmm i see
it was partially ‘do you have interesting towny thought quickly’ rather than purely ‘do you just post quickly’
or at least that’s what I think i had in mind. i posted it ~as soon as I thought of it so.

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It’s not really anything to go on because that former list of people has been posting since the game came up.

Conversely, almost none of the people in the latter list have posted yet. It’s too early to make any kind of distinction based on “when” people posted.

Votecount as of P#244

beancat (4): Millium, Frostwolf103, wrongboy, Achromatic
wrongboy (1): idot
idot (1): SirDerpsAlot

Not Voting (9): Kiiruma, beancat, Someone, hal, SultanOfSlam, Psyaryu, IfGodCouldDie, Kabazame, Crescent


I can’t get a read like that.

Then why did you quote yourself and make those lists to begin with?

Because I was active in the period of post 147 to 217

The top list is who were present at that time, the bottom is not who where present at the time.

It’s too unreliable to clear most of the top list players, excluding myself, as townies.

It’s more you agreed with me that you made a long post that didn’t really say anything so I was questioning why you made it in the first place.

Or branding anyone in the top list as wolves either.

What the fuck is going on?
Why is there anyone with 4 votes this early into the day?

Am I missing something? It’s been like 250 posts

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i realize you said you can’t quite articulate it but
can you try to explain further

I mean, you get my point why this long post just explains that I cant catch a wolf in this.