The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

thread is always dead when I am home, I literally can never real time, outside of work, or my days off

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i am here nya nya nya
multitasking but here


wrong quote but you get it


were you gonna say anything about that quote

no (i idly click a lot so I tend to select text)


though. idk how I could’ve selected such a big block


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yeah. sure is weird.

if i go to sleep in 3 hours and wake up to the wagons being 3/2/8 in the morning, i am unvoting and im just going to min post for the rest of the game

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this wagon formation always makes people panic swap 15 minutes before eod

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atlas are you trying to scare me
it’s not happening nya nya nya i’m not tutuu


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oh, so you do read!

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any comments about what happened, then?

if i had a day vig right now, I’d probably just shoot Wrongboy lmao

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i’m at you/millium town rn
i don’t think the mech on frost is clearing but May TRs him for it and we are. yet to sort that
still want to hear more from Kii on his mech. i will say more when we responds

Idot I feel has pings both ways
Overall, I don’t understand how tutuu consistently gives off an impression of confidence, especially given her play last game where she was kinda timid and sheeped a lot
There are various individual posts from them I townread though

(i have more thoughts but I will let you respond to these as I type them)


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sorry for the pretentiousness
but we’re playing a back and forth, bear with me

theres no mech on frost
hes just claiming to be vanillized

no offense taken, tbh i have. less thoughts than I normally would and less of a grip on the game
like usually i’d have more TRs by now
does not help that derps got NKed


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can i get some town/wolf games from you?

im sure i heard already, but what more do you wanna know?
what do you think of him sans mech?

that’s what i was meaning

honestly not. a lot of thoughts
if I ignore meta he’s disconnected from the game and he’s been wolfy at times
however his meta as town is to be low-posting/efforting apparently. so.

his vibes are like he was last game though
i’ve never seen him wolf so i’m wary of just taking that at face value, but the way he’s asking to be found as town very closely mimics how he was talking to me at the end of stellaris when I scumread and pushed him


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