The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

How I feel about it now: Damn it took 2 years.

achrooooooooooooooooo i trapped you
you’re supposed to freeze up and say ‘uhm nya oops i’m mafia you got me’


Like i just said could be Creasent bussing, could be you i guess but i also dont think being nice to the new perosn is enough to put all my eggs in that basket.

Hard to pair them when they were so inactive

People could argue me for my end of day 1 ofcourse

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Town’s biggest plus is their numbers,
mafia’s biggest plus is they know who their allies are
3p biggest plus is they don’t side with town or mafia and have unique win conditions

If town’s numbers ever equal any of the other parties, they have lost their greatest advantage and will probably lose more often than not.

Yeah I don’t blame ya. One of the dangers of being an unpolarized menace to society is that outside of results and my corpse there’s no way to ever be safe around me. When wisp was discussing fire emblem, you have to understand I posted over 1250 times after subbing in mid day 2 and completely murdered the entire town’s wim while having town completely wrong about my team. I am the villain of some stories.

Note to self, don’t play pr this way I am like 0/2

uhm nya oops i’m mafia you got me


Valid. I’d still recommend not giving up hope though. Ironically 3p is the reason that parity doesn’t work here rn if we misyeet, resulting in a potential 3p MVP for town. XD

KInd of hoping to ground myself on fol in 2024. Being 18-0 last year like, was an absurd heater tbh. At the end I was just experimenting with ideas because its like ‘wtf I keep winning’

I dont like where I was at mid way through 2023. It’s like, I was such a FORCE in games that the revolved around me in a way that i dont want games to do when i am playing among my friends. So I am doing some soul searching so I can play with you guys, still compete, but not be the be all end all.

Generally better to raise other people up, than bring yourself down.

Well let’s problem solve, new friend.

I am town. I see someone I think is scum. I push that successfully because I am good at mafia. They flip scum. I am shot night one.

This repeats.

I am scum. I am good at tricking people. I win art end game and town loses.

How would you raise people up in that environment?

also as an ASIDE imo the level of play has risen tremendously since I first started playing here, both in people improving and being earnest and us getting some great new players.


Point out things they could do better. Politely and with explanations obviously, not just as a OMGUS thing.

Oh I already do that :P. I also don’t tend to omgus, if this topic wasnt proof

do you think you have any meta tells that people just haven’t noticed? or. is it just humanly impossble


Mmm do it more. Do iunno… beancat or crescent, or someone you haven’t talked about much.

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Doubtful i join anymore games after this, probably only gunna sub unless i really want to play with the players or the setup doesnt gurt my brain, again im starting to really find closed setups to be miserable

So, honestly? No, by design.

I like to think about mafia a lot. I also have been afforded a lot of free time due to illness to lay in a bed, listen to music, and my options are think or sleep some days. Been doing this mafia business for 20 years.

I have 6 different town game archetypes and of each of those town games i have scum variants branching off of them. Decisions I make based off player list, past experiences, and inverting some of these to create confusion. Some will say “achro doesnt seem invested” as an achro scum tell, then you look at me 10,000 word opening wall day 3 of fire emblem as a wolf where i was fighting like 3 on 1 vs town trying to suspect me and winning btw and its like “maaaaybe thats not a thing.”

Each game, before i get my rolecard, I ask myself how I feel like playing.

Do I have energy? Am I tired? Do i want to let people control the narrative day 1 or do I feel like that would be bad. I make these decisions pre rand and then i get my rand and I make further decisions based off that.

It’s why wisp’s description of me was pretty funny. I think if he went back and looked at any of our games together on MTGS he would know that wasn’t apt.

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oh wow
i have not been alive for 20 years :joycat:


I feel like I have talked about both of these people, but maybe you missed it. I think Bean early mindmelded with me on kiiruma and even though that was in error I think this is a really good look for bean. Idot feels they have some sort of mech issue with us both being town but I dont know about all that.

Crescent has felt ok to me, but maybe I just liked that we seemed to agree a lot early. She did try to shade me early on but i don’t think that’s really ai for her. I can call it a town lean, and the arguments against her I know just arent alignment based.

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yeah I am 36. I am ancient lmao

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