The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

May hasnt posted yet, right?

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she has not

(i PROMISE iā€™ll remember to sign. eventually)


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I just still cant see you as town asking a question with an assumption that large, especially having considered that you admit they havent seen your scum game. If you know they hadnt seen your scum game, why do you so brazenly assume that their making a meta based read off you?

Also I do understand the thinking/reasoning behind of they think I post slower from that, I just dont think that chains to you asking that specifically about it as town

A lot of people havenā€™t posted yet, so why are you singling them out specifically?

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sda is town nya nya nya

depends on the person, I wouldnt recommend using this rule as any real standard

scum can make silly posts

also if weā€™re going down this route of assumption = bad, why do you assume that iā€™d only assume as mafia and not as town?

-t 14/50

yeah I dont intend to use it as a rule
i was just saying my perspective

I was curious, thats all. Im not saying anything more on the matter

no one said anything about assumptions being bad. The issue is what you specifically assumed in regards to the context, this isnt a big picture issue

VOTE: idot

i dont really follow anymore, this seems a bit pedantic, and i dont get why me questioning zug about it is bad but you questioning me about it isnā€™t bad, they look the same to me

anyway i changed my mind youā€™re probably town

-t 15.50

quite frankly I dont belive you, you made a post with a claim about what I thought on the matter, and I corrected you about me thinking assumptions are bad.

I do truly want to have this conversation with you and figure out where my logic faulty if it is

The question I have is why would Zug make such an assumption based on your posting speed. How many times have you played with Zug? Would he have any reason to naturally correlate this with your alignment based on experiences from playing with you?

logic about what? i literally dont understand the argument at this point

i donā€™t claim to know stuff, iā€™m just asking questions. i understood your posts as you saying assumption = bad

if this is really important to you iā€™ll need you to walk me through stuff step by step. because i donā€™t understand what is the issue here

-t 16/50

mmmmm idot feels towny here
might be solviness idk

regardless I think their assumption is fine
comes from a place of ā€œwhy is there something here that Iā€™d do differently as wolfā€ which makes sense to ask
and yeah Iā€™d say them not seeing my view intuitively is reasonable for them given that they feel the hard-to-make posts are the logical / thought-out ones

iā€™ve played with him a few times. he hasnā€™t seen me wolf. he has no reason to naturally correlate my alignment based off my typing speed. i thought that heā€™s doing that. it seemed weird to me. so i questioned him about it

-t 17/50

this reminds me tho
you do see me look at timestamps every two seconds
so why would it be strange for me

Anywhere between post 147 and Post 217 above.


not counting SDA.

That leaves

Kiiruma, bean, someone, hal, sultan, psyaryu, IGCD, Kabazame and Achro

Besides Achro, everyone else on the bottom list has not posted at all. I will ignore SDAā€™s post about softing roles here.