The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

I did rest for a bit. Now I am up. You may continue grilling me at your leisure.

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If it’s long, I ISO’d overNight. If not, then I probably haven’t yet.

Everything I remember about this slot is through other isos.

The first two posts are weirdish cause like, random wagons happen all the time D1 cause meme wagons and all kinds of other shizz, and Vote for role (which I think is what RVS is) kinda does end up with a lot of votes on people? So eh. And then I think someone mentioned earlier that they think entry posts are indicate in terms of “fun or commenting on votes is mafia” or something but like I came in with the same kinda post because I was asked if I wanted to sub in before the day ended or not, and when I asked if the slot was top wagon I got shown the vote count. So ehhhh.
By like post 625 all Kiiruma has done is talk about their opener, done a vote, done another vote, and mech/game strats. This point they’ve been on for a few hours and haven’t really done a lot else, feels weird.
Also if PR, granted role madness but I dunno that I’d be this like… Gregarious? Like granted if mech then all well and good but eh, I wanna actually see the mod conf.

Bean catchup post (second post) is a lot of things I don’t agree with. They’re consistent when they’re talking though.
Between their first post and post 1563, yeah I dunno why they’re at 5 either from what I’ve read, I assume I’ve just not seen the arguments for voting em but I feel like I should have by now.
Beans about as relaxed as Sultan, even when being voted, maybe more so relaxed given that Sultan was doing the Chaotic thing. Not understanding about half the shizz they say to Achromatic though.
2251 is a bit of a swap off previous expressed dislike of Crescents 587 (saying they wanted to just dayvig Psy and be done with it).
Oh right they wrote 2266 “cause fuck the newbie that’s why”. They also claimed they were joking but like they didn’t move off Psy so eh.
They’re still being consistent by the end though. Think alla yall need to go look at a few ToS games and see the general style of play there, though fw it’s pretty heavily shaped by awkward teenagers and their lack of social awareness.

sideeyes at mech claim

-wrongboy (May and Zugzwang)
Everything I remember about this slot is through other isos.

blink Hal is very short in terms of posts.
Ohhh, ok this is where a lot of Wisps posts came from.
It’s a bit notable that Hal doesn’t go overly verbose till they talk to Wisp and get into arguments about stuff, somethingsomething glass houses on my end but might not just be a outofgame social thing.
Fucks sake Hal go to bed.
Ohhhhh that’s who tutuu is.
1866 is weird.
2078 what on earth does that mean?
2168 wat
Iiiii still have no read on Hal, despite all that. Everything was either tired or arguing.

Last ten posts or so are kinda off, rest of the day is at least not low effort, awkward mafia. Generally relaxed and asking good questions. This is actually with ISO surprisingly, despite the lack of wall. More interaction plz, though i do recognize that you were out for a wedding, hope it was fun.

-idot (tutuu and Garfooled)
Favorable impression without ISOs
Occasional pings in other people’s isos

Gonna do things near immediately if possible, still think this is just culture clash.

Usual Wisp things, later on this.

Just came in, had less time than I did, waiting a bit.

First amusing interaction exists, nothing thereafter.

Argument about Psy is most of what i remember.
Offense is detected consistently for the first few posts.
Generally relaxed after… except when they aren’t;
Ok now I see why Bean pointed at 370.
…Crescent are you sure you’re not from ToS? Cause 3p-kill-on-sight is a pretty ToS thing unless they’re a couple of specific types. 'Round these parts it’s a bit less decisive, usually.
Lotta fluff. Lotta previous games too.
No, ‘scum’ is a FM thing. And it might want to go the way of “lynch” tbqh. ToS just calls em ‘evils’ or ‘maf’. Sadly lynch IS also a ToS thing.
587 Geez Crescent cool off a bit.
I’d like to repeat that Crescent is relaxed until they are decidedly NOT.
Ok I’m going to stop here, because otherwise I am going to take a great deal of lasting offense at this player. Insults are not necessary here, iz gaem. Crescent needs to have more of not this during D2.

huh, well that’s an interesting preview, I kijnda hate how easy it is to miss that but aight. formatting things a bit

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you phrased something weirdly
but im not going to push you on it, for obvious reasons.

Lel, you might wanna read what I just posted first, but sure go ahead. I should note my mental status of you rn is "Chaotic (occasionally) Rude).

what do you think about bean/sultan/triss/me

Read this in my dad’s voice, how the fuck did you match his sense of humor like that at random.

You can talk about any weird phrasings you like, although it’s likely to be nai lol.

Bean felt suitably feisty yesterday but still relaxed which is a departure when she got voted up in whatever game I died n1 after killing Abi, Sultan is firmly in Sultan “fuck Chris in particular” town meta, Triss trying to blunt Sultan just because someone is new does not please me, and you are to my knowledge your usual self. I am not even sure I have seen you as scum, now that I think on it…

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I am a very talented person.


you have not played with scum me, no
i tend to rand town! about 75% of the time, infact!
if you want scumme, my most recent and somehow most accurate game would be my lw play in the jutting watchtower

also beans a she
sorry if i misread this

Btw me “blunting” Sultan is in my opinion valid regardless of the state of the game. Yall need to stop chasing off the newbies.

Oh you didn’t, I just typed the wrong pronouns originally. I do that more when tasked with discussing multiple people lol.

ANyway I tend to trust everyone trying to actively stab me for answers, as that’s usually what town like to do so you, tutuu, sultan, crescent all seem good to go on that front.

How am i being rude?! Im trying to get people to play along im not going fuck psy cuz they are new!

And who would you shoot im assuming me at the moment.

This is how i play as town. I ask the annoying questions to get to read people its what i do. I do not intend to be mean!

@hal robyn I have poe’d you, please tell me where my town list is wrong or die.

I am left with wrongboy who is posting a lot, psy, hal, and triss

bet there’s 2 in there, but the dream would be 3.

I guess I should respect wisp’s scum game a bit more, but idk grouchy wisp is almost as polarized as litten to me.

Chasing off?? I am backing it up and tryi g to get them engaged. I have enjoied the back and forth qith Psy roght now that os how you gwt new players to be better Chris and a few other b8ers did thst with me too its not rude. They seemed to be a bit troll like but i wasnt being open minded and was also listening to creasents option that it a alt. I had that vibe to.

So @Psyaryu if i some how offended you im sorry

i think wrongboy is good, if you compare my iso of their typical behaviour i did at d2 start, and i think hal is good because of their behaviour towards “you should townread me because im sooo towny” to you
im unsure on psy and triss