The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

Correct that is a seperate role.

To try and catch ppl like you who’d rather go for the tinfoil than the more likelier case :eyes:

that being said i don’t think i achieved much so w/e

We have some time before the day ends, we become more lazier if we catch wolf today so, what now

Basically, yes I’m semi-confirmed town at this point.
But I also have a weak modifier so I can just be a bonus kill for any given night in which I use my ability.
So yay because it means I’m less likely to be night killed but also boo because I’m more likely to just commit die by accident due to my own ability.

Catch me what going off my earlier suspension on kii? Oh i must be scum beacuse i was already suspicious of kii being miss cleared :crazy_face:.

you should redirect me since people seem to not like how i use my role

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I won’t redirect someone who’s executed smh

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yea that’s my point
if anyone else had then I’d be super sus but you were ehhhh

Then you just have to make sure you announce again who you’re targeting? Because there’s no way they cant withhold the gun from their assigned factional.

Well nevermind, its optional. I hate my world.

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I guess so but both made sense as a potential killer in my mid when you first claimed and ofcourse my dumb ass mind goes for the spicy option and not the right infront of my face option beacuse i want to be complicated.

Though i did state i thought both were possible

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Now we’re back at square one where we left off.

I could push Trissicar out of the game, but we could use more spicier wagons.

Ehh to each their own, ill consider this point NAI

This is definitely a thought that has crossed my mind

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You shouldve explicitly said that, instead of fpsing, u arent in a position to be fucking around honestly

Im sure youll say me but any suggestions?

Comedy option Kii redirected the killer to who the killer was already going too

Okay that makes more sense

Um. I guess we can give you a night?

VOTE: Trisscar


I have been fucking around day 2 trying to get you…voted, to say the least.

Everyone is asleep