The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

Everyone is a pr…


We’re all prs and she did claim “im an important role leave me alone” d1


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Everyone is? Well idk i still had a read bean was something important i guess might be a better way to put it idfk rolemaddness games dont always HAVE TO have Everyone be a PR.


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I guess i don’t mind psy dying

I mean… Hm

Mafia knew kiiruma is targetting psy n1. He publicly claimed. Derp directed him

Does psy commit the factional kill n1 when his team knows hes getting targeted by an unknown town role (kiiruma)?


Does it say that somewhere?


How abouttttt





This helps with Psy claiming they have some sort of night-specific ability, although that doesnt stop factional theotrically.

Then again, this is 50/50 with the mafia counting on this execution

VOTE: frost

Nobody knew kiiruma was a redirector on n1 when wolves chose who commits the kill

If u are on a wolf team and u know for sure one of your members is getting targeted by a town, risking it and sending him to make the kill is probably too risky? Again, unknown town role


Votecount as of P#3931

Trisscar (3): wrongboy, Achromatic, idot
beancat (1): Atlas
Psyaryu (1): beancat
Frostwolf103 (1): Millium

Not Voting (7): Kiiruma, hal, Psyaryu, Trisscar, Crescent, Frostwolf103, SultanOfSlam

Rolemaddness doesnt always mean all pr but maybe it does here :man_shrugging: either way still thought Bean was an important role

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Are you just being paranoid?

Rolemadness means all pr in all mafia sites
Gamefaqs might be the only exception


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Can someone smack Millium some sense because I was probably hitting a nerve.

Damn dont make me consider deep wolves. Looking at u atlas


Yeah I’ve had that thought myself. I think it’d be a bit less likely? But idk

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@Kiiruma u make ppl immune to anti claim right? Can u ask if ur protection is given before the anti claim kill is committed if its on the same night

If it is u can fully confirm beancat n3 due to weak and make her immune to anti claim



There might be better uses of using u as a night desperado with the weak

But if bean is town shes already dead due to anti claim. So we have to be careful for parity
