The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

If shes mafia that modifier fps addendum fakeclaim was sick


The ability to grant others immunity to anticlaim was linked to my ā€œSoul-Scryingā€ mod

It was so that I can prove myself via outing the words Iā€™d learned of someoneā€™s rolecard but making sure they donā€™t just die for me doing so lol

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Paranoid of what? U are in my poe lol

Oooh rip bozo



Passive - Immunity to anticlaim

Day - Show rolecard to someone - 1-shot

Night - Choose 2 players, redirect person 1 to person 2. (Can only do this every other night)
Modifier - Learn 5-10 words in person 1ā€™s rolecard. In addition make them immune to anticlaim.

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I think we have different definitions of ā€œproveā€

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If I say to Beancat something about a tracking of non-killers. That proves my claim at least.
I did say I can prove my claim not necessarily my alignment to everyone.
(Specified to everyone, since I could prove alignment to 1 person (Derps))

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I remembered something that i dont want to really out, that i think explicitly makes u a wolf here

I have reasons i will not state why i also think triss is a bad execution

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Bean is claiming information thatā€™s been publicly available since Kilā€™s claim at the start of the day, and also attempted to vote him early in the day. Hereā€™s the problem, she claims she canā€™t track killing actions, and she tracked him to the corpse. The role she claims should be telling her Kil isnā€™t scum right from there, but she immediately put feelers out on pushing him, and only unvoted when confronted about it. Now sheā€™s going after the easiest vote in the game, with logic that makes sense on paper, but was discussed as inconclusive back at the start of the day.

Convenient late claim telling us things we already know with previous actions that donā€™t add up with the claim.

VOTE: Beancat

This is honestly pretty easy.

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The non voting part of the VC is garbage dont get me wrong but i explictly want to vote in the people in my PoE

Kiiruma can either die or confirm Psy, or target beancat as idot suggested

And i will not join the triss wagon

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Yeah but check her addendum later. I will link u



Let me ping everyone coz this is very important

@Achromatic @wrongboy @Triss @hal @Atlas



seen (am reading up tho) (mech is bad. return to strings and clouds)


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Oh u already read it


Id rsther let crexcent cook since beans claim if town is extremely inconsistent and their point about the kiiruma vote and unvote doesnt at all align with their claim. So if they essentially buried themself if they are town.

I read it. Am I supposed to care? Covering your bases by retroactively trying to change something that happened 44 hours ago doesnā€™t matter. It was a weak claim told us absolutely nothing. Tracker itself is also already a weak role, adding the modifier that it canā€™t track killing feels more like something the player tacks on to justify never producing anything good.

My guess is scum is going to track someone tonight and Bean is just going to claim it tomorrow if sheā€™s alive, and then we go through this song and dance again.

Okay? That doesnā€™t excuse why you voted right after I said something

Why does this read as you want to kill a useful town power thar juat confirmed kii to be 100% town?

Thats irrelevant but its fine that u think that, i was just thinking about a certain something while i was working which is why i voted u, im actually not sure i even read w/e post it is u think i saw that u think made me vote u

The only inconsistent thing is her vote on kiiruma sod2

Everything else checks out

U can suspect her for allegedly fpsing

But if u assume shes town, what else doesnt seem consistent?

I mean u can scumread her but its a social scumread, is my point. Imo
