The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

Im getting the feeling they are annoied with litterally everything and also arent playing forward enought to drive any reads like walking on eggshells

I know, it has been a thought that has lingered on my mind, hence why i havent been wanting to vote them, but rather seem them take a mlre proactive approach to the game, whkch doesnt reauire me spoon feeding them

Yeah but what if i told you wisp as scum swept mafia champs finals last year and he hates being town vs loving scum

Grumpy wisp is usually town

Welcome to my brain

How? Ive been pushing reads and every time i say something you guys brush me off beacuse i play outside the box you only want players who fit your in the box mold and that is jot how i play its also the reason i was a finalists beacuse i do not play insode the box get USED TO IT!

Why do u care, just vote who u want, but people are gunna say what they like and dont like, thats how mafia plays out.

Anyways my lunch is way past over, so ill be gone for a bit

I dont think they are scum actually juat think they arent being open minded if that makes sense

Actually what I said was the best way to catch me towntelling would be to catch me on something I simply wouldn’t do or say as scum.

And it’s exactly what Millium just did, without any prompting from me to do so. She’s dangerously perceptive and I don’t think she gives herself enough credit for it.

I think Millium is town either way and you’re flailing trying to make any scumteam you can try to patch together.

Like even if I didn’t already townread her, I don’t think scum Millium makes and points out that observation so directly.

Imagine thinking wisp’s grumpy pos ass is a wolf here.




Wisp did i miss a plot point

i dont see how that post you made is that difficult to fake as wolf

im mostly trying to convince my fellow townies


i think millium has w/w equity with crescent especially if frostwolf is town. because that would mean millium has been voteparking two villagers and havent shown a lot of interest of pushing things. and she is soft defending crescent


Wow fuck you Creasent :P

difference checks so far:





Thats a huge difference, probably wrong too.

who are the wolves then buddy


Beats me

why u hatin then


Wait so if crescent is town me and bean are wolvez?

The fuck