The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

they’re acting kinda trolly
its nearly impossible to read someone who spends all their time lying, however.

also i did say i was gonna stare at achro/crescent/idot but this lecture is making me actively go to sleep and pokemon is the only thing keeping me awake so sorry that might happen overnight

so who else dont you like?

overnight implies you survive

Yeah I just cannot read this Achro. I cannot draw any comparisons. Blank and flat to me

I am willing to vote idot/hal/triss atm

what pings you about tutuu/gar?

Two tabs

One looking through your post with these questions thats marked with my post numbers

Two, I opened the second tab looking through my ISO so I can cross-reference and answer your questions

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TPR kindof explains it and I’m willing to give it a day. But I fear giving it a day on so many level


Psy is lying. No matter their alignment, they are doing a copious amount of lying. I don’t like it one bit.

Why triss?

Idot i can gather a bit of why i beleive

When i voted them they felt manipulative dealing with me. First saying how i town read them. Then threatening to tell people to kill me. To then trying to remind me that i should know them better. Felt slimy tbh. I voted on a whim but their interactions with me felt pretty bleh

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can you give me a 4th player you’re fine with’s death?
this is heavily recommended

I guess psy since i dont know them but their post on me felt very earnest to me and i am usually good at picking up on that

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so not psy, because you said they sound earnest
who else?

I town lean most of the game and there are only 3 scum atlas i am not actually dealing with that fluid of a game state i havr just acted like a troll while realistically presenting a lot of reads

theres 4 non-town

I cannot 3p hunt for shit

You can quote me on this

Zone can make it 5 actually, if people say like that I may believe it.

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please just find an okay reason for a fourth person
i have mechanical reasoning for not wanting those 3 dead.