The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

The most obvious scum in the game tunneling Chris and I while suddenly scumlisting Millium who might’ve just been scanned scum by Chris is highly amusing.

if achro is town he has pushed nothing but town this game


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Of course it does. Investigative rules get a “X player is this” or “X player did this” as a result.

They always know who they end up targeting.

This is “if” the ability is redirected, not “to which”. What.

i mean. Achro being alive rn is unironically a very strong reason to scumread him on this site


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Chris why would you claim such a thing right at the start of the day instead of letting it marinate though

VOTE: Achro


@Psyaryu vote achro please. or whoever later. make sure u end up placing a vote its very important. @Kiiruma you too please


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My experience has been, in the vast majority of cases, that investigative roles get a generic “Your target does this”, not “specific playername, regardless of who you initially targeted, does this”.

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millium has pushed nothing but town and just coasted off getting townreads by “millium is angry = millium town”

i will case later but yeah. frostwolf town flip locks in millium mafia


Cause i dont want confusion about things.

this. could be the case with protectives perhaps? it wouldn’t be entirely impossible for mafia to have a protective if the 3p had kills. and looking at altas’s flip, she’d unlock abilities with the death of any protective, not just a town one.


VOTE: idot

This is scum tbh

I’ve never seen an investigative role get a result that did not mention the target, ever. How he’s claiming it is exactly how it would resolve in every game I’ve ever played.

IT’S OBVIOUS scum, yes.


…On which sites, I feel like I need to ask now?

Only investigative roles are ever notified of redirection because only investigative roles get their target in their resulting PM.

You all are too much for me

this has been my experience as well
in fact on my homesite (Hypixel), iirc there was a case of the host doing it the other way, leading to the redchecked mafia discrediting the cop’s claim and chopping the cop instead :joy_cat:


well not really?
invests I think just get “your target is ____” and dont tell you who the target is