The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

You guys run investigative roles differently than I’ve ever seen them run, then.

i am once again 3 minutes behind

personally i would recommend ignoring achro and crescent dont waste time on them

find the last wolf in sultan - trisscar - psyaru

if its kiiruma its sirderps fault


Depends on the game and very specific role. If i was not told who my target was this game would be bastard

I’ve played on Gamefaqs, MS, and MU, and never seen an investigative role that didn’t know the target they hit.

Achro I know you’re important but i think it’d be helpful if we knew you better

what info did u get from millium?

Yep, I would agree with that. Any game with an investigative role that doesn’t know who their target is is bastard by default

If Achro is neut like I could believe Achro is, the Neut’s wincon based on the OP is to kill town and mafia.
So we kinda need some help from whoever the neut is rn… badly.

From a design perspective, telling a presumed Town cop who their target is, essentially nullifies the entire point of having a presumed mafia redirector in the same game. Half the point of a redirector in that scenario is to balance the results a cop can receive. Otherwise the redirector is there purely for redirecting Vig kills, and for battling other redirectors.


I am cop.

I weaken people who i target

Kii abd millium are town.

Best to just cut to the chase.



What on earth does that mean.

why would you peek kiiruma when sirderps claimed a green on him


Can confirm achro makes people weak

I’ve been playing on MU recently and never seen the permutation you describe.

ok then. you say millium is town then presumably?


Town cop is a hellishly anti-town role that can destroy the entire game if a redirector exists and they don’t know their targets.

Like what you’re telling me is if scum knows I have an investigation role on this site, I should never use it.

I did just say that

How on earth would this be bastard.

The site litterally crashed on my phone…