The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

The claim of mech on me is not because of their ability, to the best of my knowledge.

Anyway my glasses are broke and squinting hurts. Be back when glasses fixed

VOTE: Achromatic

Claim is actively bullshit. There is NOT a strongman-ish Alignment cop with a backup in this game.

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Anyways I’m off to Synagogue.

Derps claimed mech on me and defended me hard.
Beancat tracked me to who I claimed I visited.
Achro confirmed the targets of me and Millium who both confirm weak.

To argue I am evil or lying is… very hard. Since it means that I managed to trick Derps via the mech who was given to them via me.

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So no matter if Achro is good or evil.
The Weak thing is at least a truth and a wolf (If Achro isn’t town) did give it to me

Completeness. Also still no modconf on your claim.

I effectively have enough assumption to know 100% what their role is, and ive been essentially trying to decide if makes them lock town or not, i wanted them to be townie on their own yesterday, they couldnt, and i didnt want to see them die yet, and my suspicions be correct and hate myself for not saying anything. Though i always why i care because being town is a fever dream on fol outside a small minority of people like Atlas who was so obvious it actually hurt

I had my town lean on halz too, and i thought it 100% made them town, and then they decided to ghost the game

There is so many mechanics revolved around u that if are a wolf u have basically been handed this game on a plattor


Quick exercise to calm yall down

Let’s assume achro’s town

Then what?

Then that role in a game full of backups is nonsense, and we should have more NKs by now.

Idot’s read of me is so blatantly wolfy. Nobody ive wanted to kill has died, nd i finally get a chance to kill in my poe, so i took it. I am not playing a great game but honestly nobody is. And this gamestate is only hard because wolves are deep or controlling it with subtle things.

Achro and idot come to mind, but them being w/w is just never a thing given their handling of each other. Given one more mislynch probably ends this game

Judt so we can get our heads around it let’s assume it’s real for a sec

Like in this thought experiment, fmpov, me, achro, kii, millium are town. From your pov replace me with yourself

That leaves 6, we arent at parity and i dont think we are at mylo (cause i think it’s announced?)

Ima say say currently have 6 v 3 v 1, or 5 v 3 v 2?

Now then what

I think achro/idot is a difference check essentialy, and i dont really believe achro plays like this as wolf
So my vote is where i want it to be.

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VOTE: idot

My heart is here as well

Though achro being a hsrd cop with myltiple shots with the only caveat being they make people weak is strong as fuck and makes me question my read there

As i said before i hate mechanics, and trisscsr is probably ur best bet for understandjng it over me

We have 2 deaths with no claimed tk

The frost kill was quite clearly a scum hunting kill

Now then why are we missing a n1?

Like achro essentiallly not only gets peoples alignments, he essentially makes people into pseudo cops lol

with anti claim being tonight this doesnt matter, I was 2 shot

But people probably dont know how to correvtly use the weak modifet here so its not really even that strong. And wolves also have a posioner that van wipe us off the face of the earth so its porba ly not as broken as km making it out to be