The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

Sounds about right yeah

I believe in person specific meta reads but generalized catch-alls are lazy and destructive.

Their legit Iā€™m just so painfully bad at doing them I think itā€™s best I just ignore them

If your memory is perfect and infinite, you can perfectly emulate my tone correct? Or does that require being generally empatheticā€¦


Something threw me off from his early posts. I know chris is more relaxed off gamefaqs but their was the post of how he will be ashamed he has to kill one of his Kahois and another early one that just seemed off to me.

oh wait chris is achro? i see

( -:coffee: )


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I am afraid Sultan has caught me red handed. I admit it. I told a joke.

Water is one of the best drinks out there

Itā€™s entirely unnecessary for me to sign my posts. Shoutout to water

Claiming scum very bold.

ty I try my best. Thoughts on other people atm?

ONE of the voters doesnā€™t give you excuse for pressured and forced vote when Achro called you out and I am actually one of the first to call you out from your opener as well.

Consider yourself spiritual voted by me, I may physically move my vote to you since the RVS wagon from Bean is now getting nowhere.

So why did you force your vote on me first and havenā€™t brought up anything conclussive why I am perhaps wolfy in nature in compared to Millium, Wrongboy and Achromatic?

Literally just got back from work, Iā€™m tired.
Told you I was having a sleep since I had a sleep then went to work.
Iā€™ll do a bit here but like I was voting off ofā€¦ little info.

I thought the wagon formations seemed iffy and picked one of the players to kinda RVS vote too, with a jokey tidbit added because honestly, I donā€™t have anything to really go off here.

Half of the playerbase are asleep and two voters (Hal and Sultan) were late additions, while most of them you see were active in the first 8 hours since start.

Alright, cool.
You can disagree with me but you and me both know 4 votes early is a lot compared to normal for here.

This leads back to question, why am I more wolfy than Millium, Wrongboy or Achromatic?

You wouldnā€™t have voted me otherwise.