The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

I don’t like mech-heavy games either
But I wanted to be in a game!
And I’m the only one hosting Vanilla :sweat_smile:

I am speaking english right? .
I didnt think i was Exsplaining that badly.

She is one of the best ive played with shes getting to achro levels of good, if shes alive in a final 3 usually scum or the scum team made a mistake.

She doesnt seem like her townself could be cultural differences, shes scum or 3rd party im leaning the 3rd party or scum route.

Does this make more sense. For someone who does a lot of talking for a living getting the point across thought text is not my strong point sometimes and i have to reword

Like man u were so unbelievably townie in strat 13, u didnt focus on trtying to scum read stuff, u were actually naturally evaluating stuff. Here its different, explain to me why if u can.

I just wanted to be in a game. Didnt realizie how over the top the role madness was here

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Thanks for the response. Personally im not really used to these reactive players, i think they are a wolfy on a macro lvl

This game was inspiried by an Osie design, so its more unique than actively fun to solve, which hiven my experience, thats literally all of there games

Way past how long I told myself to commit to the game today
I’m going to get food
Ping me on Garfooled if you want anything
I might or might not get on
Depending on my energy level

I need u to exist, because if you are town this game probably isnt winnable, that sounds toxic, but like part of me is just starting to think you are a wolf, i debated shooting you last night but opted to for once shoot in my own poe over trying to help the game state. Knowing ehat i know now i regret it, because im starting to re-evaluate everything

stuff like this, even in an iso which tons of wolfy post, reads as so townie, like for a wolf to think, “maybe I should highlight these reads”, almost never crosses their mind

I think the more abrupt reactions like your vote on Triss in #3075 is townie, and a part of me thinks that while I hate the arguement for me wolf, the reaction itself is townie as well, i find it hard for wolves. Like there isn’t much of a reason for wolf!you to react the way u did in this gamestate, sure u could be pushing an agenda, but im not sure its necessary here?

so these are my unsolicited head thoughts, because this is where I shine, but im gonna make a coffee and see how long I can stay up and do these, I would love to do one on each player, but that’s big maybe

Ask me stuff ill be in and out

Briefly back

I dont really have a consistsnt “town” style?
Im just not a very coherent person, i just have a few principles
One of which is constructing worlds based on claims

Okay this is a horrendous argument

“Hoping Achro is scum gives you a better chance of winning” cannot be a strategy

Hell hoping that the scumteam is exactly psy/you/idot and psy tree’s on the last day is as viable of a strategy as what you’re suggesting

I’m going to evaluate the gamestate on what i think is closer to the truth

And either it’s a) Achro has been playing us all for the entirety of D2 with a perfect fakeclaim or b) achro is right and we have a very probable PoE

Putting past what I hope is right for my sanity and all other games i play with Achro, I fins one scenario to be infinitely likelier than the other

maybe some of us.


Quick readlist


Yours truly





Achro clearly suspects Idot much more than Triss. Yet, he chose to investigate Triss over Idot. Do you not find this suspicious?


Didnt he say he thought triss was scum yesterday? Its not that suspicious. :face_with_monocle:

He also thought Idot was scum yesterday. And he’s calling Idot obvious scum now, while not calling Triss the same.


Yes he has? He has idot (missed idot) Me Triss?

Why you making things up or did you miss this?

okay ill start with u, overall i think my treatment of u has been, “I expect so much more, and I am not getting that”, I think they are a wolf, there votes are lacking, they dont care about eods, and even now, in a horrible gamestate, you still feel lacking.

so first and foremost, I want a read list from you, that absolutely needs to happen at some point today, and if it doesn’t, i think you know how my read on u will land. like im not saying u haven’t given reads, I just need something a bit more fleshed out, even if it only focuses on our current two wagons. Cause this gamestate really needs people to shine brightly if they are town

some questions

Why are you town here? and what do you think you done to help progress the town wincon?

highlighting these two posts

Why exactly were u fine with the achro wagon here?

and why are you interacting with Chris this way given u think they are a wolf? you’ve spent what seems the whole game occulating around Chris being a wolf, but not really interacting with them in a way that makes me feel like u truely cared about their alignment.

explain this progression

still waiting for this to resolve honestly

like I just dont get vibe that u realistically care in this post

why cant u be the one to help push us in the right direction?

like give me thoughts on these, because it simply feels like u are towning all the claims and just poeing everyone that hasn’t claimed?

tbf I dont want to believe wolf u makes this post,

mostly because after back reading your wolf game, I saw a stronger hand in pushing town, and ur votes weren’t as bad, as they are here, dont get me wrong, everything in between doesn’t feel great, there is some good, but almost every eod is has felt like u haven’t cared, and vibed with random points about something irrelevant to helping the game

this at least feels genuine

more gut votes, more pressure votes, I think Frost was like one of the only time u voted to push the thread in some direction

I dont hate ur handling of pretty much any of the claims

but then u do stuff like this again

wolf!Sultan really doesn’t have a reason to state this, but the lack of actual direction, makes it less great

more pressure votes


your progression on Kiiruma is fine, throughout the game


good question



k do that now plz

a lot of your snark feels wolfy, you’ve spent a lot of time pressure voting, eods arent great, but overall I dont feel much of a wolf trying to push the gamestate a specific way, tbf this means absolutely nothing if town is eating itself a live. Its only notable because I’ve seen how u wolf games pushes the narrative.

Sul/Kiiruma not w/w
Sultan/Triss possible
Sultan/Wrongboy possible
Sul/bean not w/w
Sul/Crescent not w/w
Sul/Psy not w/w
Sultan/Achro possible

this reeks too

this was the post that made me shoot frost funny enough

self awareness bad

if I had another gun, I’d probably shoot you, there is towniness in your iso, but i think the wolfiness out weighs it, I need a lot more from you today, or dont, you probably wont be a train, and idot/chris will sit all day, who knows

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