The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

This is why I am voting idot atm.

I had mixed up a post someone else (crescent probably) made on Idot then.


when your high posting world view is not only me but also someone i mech know to be town is also ‘not town’ its just pure agenda.

Triss, if partnered, is no threat to anyone imo. You cut the head off the snake first.

Take this any way you want, my confidence has been way down ive neen on an incredible cold streak since champs.

Could exsplain part of it. I feel like im never actually heard.

Also alot of my jokes could be poorly timed but most of the time when shit was getting hostile. Maybe im too nice trying to lighten the mood.

My town list sure maybe all of the claims but they are the ones that also have read the most town

Who left have been the people being the most deceptive. I feel like i trhow shit out and get ignored amdnjust havent had the fight in me to really yell and scream until my face turns blue so far this game.

And DAY 1S FUCKING SUCK I HATE DAY 1S always have.

i love how Psy gets to ghost the thread


@Millium can i talk to you about my semi final game? If youve seen it i picked the wrong one obviously and voted the Delta Over Ultra but this game is giving me heavy reminders of that game the most vocal have to be one of the scum they just have to be i know i couldnt get my point across then and im trying now.
Do you want to work with me and figure this out?

Im thinking Wrong boy or Idot have to be scum or both but their is atleast 1 in the two trust me

3rd party or hiding scum probably

are u esl?

why do you feel this is true? one thing that made me more suspicious of you is this seemingly unexplained, and very convenient, read that we have at least one scum


No dyslexia and i cant type worth shit

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i think given the state we are in, its perfectly fine

if we had brought the game here then maybe
but I don’t feel like i’ve had a lot of threadpull, and from my memory I don’t think idot has either?


Who would you suggest having the most thread pull look their and maybe throw my point back at me maybe im missing something but it looks like its yall

there really isnt thread pull, its more so, lack of town being active, and trying to control the state, and chaos at EoDs, that’s where a lot of the thread pull is probably happening, Chris comes to mind, including u and Idot, it certainly isn’t Sultan

mainly Achro. arguably Crescent has had some too but a lot less


it’s kinda hard to control the game state when there are a bunch of inactive players who I can’t read


how the fuck have i had thread pull I have just been in and out for 3 days smh

oh right, im me

carry on

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Do you think achro would be lying about the cop claim though?

Creasent maybe

But man idk im getting this deja vu feeling “hey idiot you’ve seen this before” feeling

also i wish you would have trusted me about frost, i dont tend to misread people who fool me once unless they are insanely deceptive.