The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

like normally i’d look back and go “oh I could have done x, y, and z better” but idk if that’s really true here
idk how I was supposed to find Someone and Hal town, idk how I am supposed to sort Psy, and idk what I should’ve seen in frost


I have sorted psy on the prayer that their impressions of me feel like someone uninformed of who the fuck i am.

…why not? it’s pretty much the only claim that w!achro can get away with at this point


… it’s also the only claim v!achro has because it is my role card.

Ill admit i think i pulled a blunder and did something i shouldnt do and tried to meta to much with Hal…

this to say that w!psy would have learned of you from scumchat? i could. see that i guess. mmmmmmmmmm


It’s really the only thing i can hold onto, their dislike of certain things i did and said felt very “taking achromatic at face value and doing their best”

I am usually well above rand sorting new people based off their impressions of me.

Also you’re right that the activity sucked from certain people, but that’s just excuse making you are dealt the hand you’re dealt. Just got to do your best to make do.

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I will admit, it would be very funny if i successfully lived to day 3 as cop only to be chopped because i successfully lived to day 3 as cop.

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achro do you really expect anyone to find you town without a wolf flip


Could you give a better explanation for why achro was being insane day 1 and 2?

wdym insane


Honestly? Sometimes you do need to be able to do that, yeah. You said yourself game conditions haven’t been ideal. Even I am not always going to be able to kill scum, no matter how good I am. I have a claim which is backed up by people in one aspect, and i don’t really see the scum angle I have played by being weird and pretending to be cop instead of just being better than everyone in this game combined and power wolfing to victory.

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Its possible but idk if id put money on it


my head thoughts are reading this game, and strat 13 is, that you just decided that you wanted to be very disingenuous here if u are town. I think not taking the time day 1, and probably some of day 2, to actively find town and work with people, but always finding stuff to push, is the scummiest way to play

day 2 start, u open with the vote on Kiiruma, into “its just a joke, fam” was also an interesting choice, even now im still not sure what u were trying to bait or accomplish. I almost dont think you as a wolf tries to lean on Psy “making the kill” as an avenue to push. but man that kiiruma vote is so blatantly bad,

day 3 is a lot better, like so much townier, but its completely ruined by the fact u claimed to have tracked the person who is dead, whom was also the most obvious town in this game. and the sad part is, I could see town!bean doing this, and wolf!bean making up this lie.

even ur mech can’t make u townie, but its almost way to blatant to be wolfy, the only thing I still really hate is how u handled day 1, and spent all of trying to find things to push. Today was probably enough to quell my paranoia, but I think metawise u are pretty wolfy.

game is hard

Insane-cshocking behavior for someone who doesnt usually act in such manner


when i posted this in thread, where were u? I dont want to here about u telling me that Frost was town

rambling on halz
Hal has more bark than bite, they tend to die because they can be right in the moment, and they are pretty loud, but they can also be wrong. Ive caught there wolf game before. This is more in lign with their town game, because their is ego is faker as a wolf, their town reads tend to have tmi. Rather than pushing the game in a direction, they focus more on shading others, and insinuating we are playing poorly. If they somehow flip wolf here, ill eat my words, but i dont really think so right now.
Now if they continue to push me or derp, then i might hedge a bit because personally im starting to go back to wolf reading people who push my town game because it has started becoming an ex route to take. And i think they should be able to find. Im certain they are pushing me because i think they are town, which is always hilarious. But i think thats part of their ego, and very very unlikely to come from someone who has the perspective that i am town and they are a wolf

many of us (including me) do have the expectation that if you’re not killing scum, you’re mafia
so would powerwolfing really be more effective than what you’ve done here? here you’ve clearly managed to live till d3 without any wolf flips, so.


Okay, so i know you were right, and that’s wonderful, but I played my cards publicly and admitted my reasoning you shot the dude who if you had asked me to build a town case for i would have done my very best to do that.

oh if you mean, like, not strongarming the thread and such?
evidently for w!achro that would be because he needed an excuse to not be nightkilled. (which is also the reason for t!achro doing this, minus the excuse part)


honestly idk how you can find t!bean in stratagem13
they posted 24 times and did literally no solving d1 from what I can see
