The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

idot hi nya
achro’s vibes are getting to me nya nya nya


Zug. Please.


Okay lol, but wolf you has basically put me jn the same position i was in, in parh of radiance, you didnt help me find wolves, u voted basically not existence town, and u went and self voted.

If idot goes back to hard tunneling me, its basically path of radiance 2.0

Kindly stop. Please. He is obvious mafia. He is not a helpless AtEing town.


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That’s not what an appeal to emotion is. People misuse this term WAY too much.

I am stating that, since Wisp got bamboozled by me in fire emblem and he is remembering that and its influencing his vote on me I couldnt argue with him in good faith. like “yeah, i did kind of fuck you there, okay I am not going to make this hard on you”

It’s really a pet peeve of mine tbh

I dont believe in appealing to emotion a lot of the time, emotion is psrt of the game and it can happen regardless of your alignment, it doesnt need to be appealing. I jjst read it and decide if it makes sense or not given the circumstances

I am rooting for tutuu to be a wolf. I heard they fooled jjj once. It’d be cool if this sicko tunnel is wolf lol

Achro is Dracula. Stop falling for it.

He is not solving. He self voted. End of story.

Respectfully I think u guys need to have more willpower and put your foot on the ground.


I fooled jjj to :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

idk I have played with wisp a few times this year and so many people whine when suspected and i just cant, you know? maybe you have to be in my head to ‘get it’ but I just dont want useless arguments

i’m rooting for tutuu to not be a wolf (:wowee:)
then my reads can be right nya


I have never stopped solving. Owned.

Is anyone actively suggesting tbeh will move? Let people talk, man

I have given reads on every player in the game and await my death

as much as I have doubts on achro I also have more doubts on everyone else in my poe so. I am still unlikely to move


now im just vibing because I wub you all

You and Zug are both expressing cold feet and Sultan voted not Achro. I am afraid if he will live. I don’t mind you guys talking if I was certain he would be the chop. I am not certain.


without my help or me being the vote no one seems capable of getting a wagon past 3 so I think you’re safe

Im not moving

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