The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

Also if there is more than one non-town in achro millium beancat we can confidently win too


I am assuming we chop wolf every day which Iā€™m confident we can do


yee have more faith than i do my friend then


I wish Iā€™d been more pushy this gameā€¦ I townread both D1 wagons, I ~townread hal and beancat, I just failed to turn from ā€œI townread most players in the gameā€ to successfully and proactively pushing scumreads of the remaining players.

Maybe I found it difficult to push those scumreads because my remaining PoE was incorrect, but I still wouldā€™ve much rather had executions in, like, Psy, Crescent, Trisscarā€¦ slots which have been PoE for me on and off basically all game, but which I failed to properly case or work against.

I think part of it was just triple-tabling, which I know is a bad idea and yet relentlessly do anywayā€¦ part of it was that Iā€™ve shifted my playstyle toward focusing on townreads as of late and genuinely just donā€™t focus on whatā€™s scummyā€¦ and part of it mightā€™ve been that that PoE was outright wrong, and if weā€™d killed those players, I would be lamenting that Someone and hal were still alive in the endgame.

I know I tend to be biased in hindsight, chalking things up to my own failures of decision-making rather than accepting that maybe things were out of my control with the level of information I had (and therefore I shouldā€™ve, like, gotten better reads, rather than making better decisions with the reads I had). I should get better at evaluating gamesā€¦ I keep being convinced Iā€™m getting worse and worse despite my winrate increasing dramatically from, well, 0%. I should get better at signing up for fewer games. I should get better. Mafia is fun. I want to be good at it someday.

The game isnā€™t over until the last vote has been counted. Never give up, no matter what.


im gunna be real here, if ur winrate is going up, you are doing a lot better than me right now lol

I lost every single one of the first ten games I played on this site. Itā€™s difficult not to go up from there.

thats aboiut my current streak, guess its uphill from here

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And yet I still look back on those days and go ā€œdamn, I was so much better at mafiaā€, because I presented myself very differently. Paragraphposting exclusively. Formal. I sounded impressive. Of course, I lost over and over and over again, and now Iā€™m not doing that as much, butā€¦ Iā€™ve not been on a great streak recently. Iā€™ve been misexecuted for, what, six consecutive towngames? Something like that. And endgamed all my wolfgames. Hence why Iā€™m constantly moping.

stop attacking me :sob:

Litten refused to townread me one game despite the fact that I was very clearly obvtown (for moping) because he didnā€™t want to encourage me to be miserable. Or something along those lines.

Iā€™m constantly taking ā€œoh, Iā€™m so much worse at mafia nowā€ to be my illness worsening, hence why I mope about it, but honestly, itā€™s probably a lot more just comfort with the site and making friends here thatā€™s making me hyperpost and not take the game as seriously. Iā€™m much more interested in impressing strangers, so I play more to impress. After having been here for a while, most people already know me, so I can never find the willpower to keep my iso easy to read.

I have known this in my head the entire time anyway, but thatā€™s not stopped me from being miserable about it.

I like to vibe now. I have nothing left to prove to anyone.

man this just feels over the top

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For you nerds maybe.
For chad anti anticlaim agents like me nah


Not all of us can be you, Kiiruma.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m suffering, have lost the 1 good thing about my role and had it replaced with ā€œLul you can just die if you do things. Smileā€

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Endlessly, endlessly, I set impossible expectations for myself and get mad when I donā€™t reach them. Itā€™s a disease. I need to stop it. I wonā€™t.

this vote, coupled with p#1835, and #1836 seem very unpairing in my opinion
the whole vote post doesnā€™t really feel like someone interacting with a partner, feels more like a sanity check type response, that I would read as a pocket

but like so many of the questions and thought process before this, feels sooo townie to me

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I understand. I spent a lot of my youth chasing things that were never there. Just cause I am an old geezer doesnā€™t mean I dont understand this.

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