The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

Kiiruma doesnt even care enough to vote
like i concluded that for achro to be a wolf

the entire wolf team is in Bean/Crescent/Psy

May wont vote in someone that’s not claimed
Idk if Psy is even coming back, nor do i know if Crescent is coming back

so tell me, wtf do u think we should be doing here @beancat

like we can go make one in the time we have? what have yall been doing

this exact thing of the thread dying down and stagnating is what happens right before scum gets the final kill they need

If we aren’t 100% sure that achro is scum and we have 3+ evils alive we need to be absolutely fucking panicking, and if there were to be a scum wagon people would be actively shooing others off of it

Achro’s not that

Achromatic (4): wrongboy, Trisscar, idot, Millium
idot (1): Crescent
Trisscar (1): Psyaryu
SultanOfSlam (1): Achromatic
Creasent (1): SultanOfSlam

Not Voting (2): Kiiruma, beancat

As with previous I am working with the assumption Achro is town, i’m more sure of it than yall seem to be
For nothing to be happening I think this is a wagon mainly led by town fighting with town

which I think would mean one scum in idot, triss, wrongboy, in order of scumminess imo
+2 scum off wagon - I wouldn’t be surprised if at least one of them are distancing to be safer in XyLo
so in a town!acrho world I think the teams are idot/crescent/sultan or triss/psyaru/X


the last option is noot exe!achro
since imo cop is an amazing role for an exe and id say they would have some way to gather mech info
This last world is consistent with a) shit falling off and b) their continuous claim, might be a case of them thinking they might get scumkilled tonight

but still at the same time
for town it’s not the best idea to chop a noot with no kp, just ignore them and focus on scum

scum knows that the noot will target them, if they think achro is the noot they’d want them dead

in this case i’d think triss/idot is the likely scum on that wagon


VOTE: idot

let’s see where this goes

Okay feeds into my paranoia.
VOTE: Idot

okay so that throws this out the window

chris being town means i put extreme faith in his cop claim, and a dadv game state read, because he has been extremely wolfy this day phase


dead air, dead villager

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their behavior i think can suggest anti-town noot that’s feeling insecure

but what scum acro fake two greencheck cop

what scum period fakes that

half this game feels anti town

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That’s because probably 4 of 5 left out of the 10 remaining are so it could be a correct assertion.

Anyways doesn’t seem like I missed much looking at the votals, so did anything happen I should care about?

no the wagons for achro has been at 3 or 4 on and off for the entire day phase, and Idot’s wagon just built up again

Kinda rest my case on the 40 hour thing then~

I don’t really hold the inactivity against Robyn if they’re an experienced player like was suggested, they just realized it before I did.

Speaking of inactives why is Psy wasting a vote on Trisscar exactly?

i honestly could not tell u off the top of my head

i can very much see sultan/achro w/w
they’ve been shading eachother a lot while not meaningfully working to get the other chopped


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sultan votes

SultanOfSlam voted Achromatic in post 412
SultanOfSlam voted SirDerpsAlot in post 799
SultanOfSlam voted unvote in post 1043
SultanOfSlam voted beancat in post 1527
SultanOfSlam voted unvote in post 1691
SultanOfSlam voted unvote in post 1758
SultanOfSlam voted Someone in post 1940
SultanOfSlam voted Psyaryu in post 2255
SultanOfSlam voted hal in post 2685
SultanOfSlam voted Frostwolf103 in post 2912
SultanOfSlam voted unvote in post 3023
SultanOfSlam voted Millium in post 3478
SultanOfSlam voted unvote in post 3483
SultanOfSlam voted hal in post 3578
SultanOfSlam voted Kiiruma in post 3728
SultanOfSlam voted unvote in post 3862
SultanOfSlam voted Achromatic in post 4233
SultanOfSlam voted hal in post 4391
SultanOfSlam voted creasent in post 5507
SultanOfSlam voted idot in post 5867

the only times sultan votes achro are:

  • at the beginning of the game (where realistically achro is in no danger)
  • d2
    – this did bring Achro’s wagon from 2 to 3, but Sultan quickly unvoted after Achro claimed TPR, and more importantly, Sultan voted Hal, and didn’t seem to be worried that Achro was pushing Hal. Considering w!Sultan knows w!Achro plans to claim TPR if in trouble, he doesn’t really risk much here.
achro votes

Achromatic voted beancat in post 36
Achromatic voted Kiiruma in post 323
Achromatic voted Someone in post 1078
Achromatic voted hal in post 1780
Achromatic voted trsiccar in post 1801
Achromatic voted hal in post 1822
Achromatic voted Someone in post 1830
Achromatic voted Kiiruma in post 1836
Achromatic voted Someone in post 2125
Achromatic voted Trisscar in post 3042
Achromatic voted idot in post 4047
Achromatic voted hal in post 4243
Achromatic voted idot in post 4613
Achromatic voted SultanOfSlam in post 5147
Achromatic voted vote:achromatic in post 5227
Achromatic voted Achromatic in post 5229
Achromatic voted SultanOfSlam in post 5437

Achro voted Sultan twice:

The first time, he was already hedging when he placed the vote.

The second time, Achro is the only vote on Sultan, and he doesn’t seriously push it (and even calls it “for stats”).


also, compare this:

to these:

Sultan is voting other people very very easily, yet doesn’t apply the same to achro here.


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