The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!


Oh do you have a question for me kitty? If you ask nicely I might tell you why ;3

I wanted to cut off useless speculation since people had also asked for town to come forward. But i always made aure to phrase things in a way that made it hard to anti claim imo

Hi Chris.

The question of the hour is did Pay just scum slip.

Also Trisscar is the runaway candidate for 3P at this point. Completely ignored Millium there.

What did psy do

I voted for sultan

Trying to cause idot to have a stroke eh

I was close but i had a hard time justifying off what i read

Im over it, i feel like triss has been playing their own game but i dint hate their evaluation of chris’ claim. I fail to see what the agenda is in constantly only interacting with Psy.

Psy, who is apparently so “new” he lacks any fundamental understanding of the game and needs the same things constantly re-explained to him, somehow knew scum has a Discord.

Extremely easy way for an anti-town to fluff up their activity level.

Triss and Psy are never paired scum here.

Why do you think I am not new after SirDerpsAlot a flipped town player has excessively told you I am new to this game :O ?

Not the first tome they mentioned discord btw

Also you wanna talk opportunistic their random vote on me kinda is too

I don’t waste my time reading anything Psy posts unless someone gives me a reason to do it.

isnt this to crescent’s point tho. you are new, but you know discord cause you’re using it as scum.

I mean coming from anyone else id say this is openly scummy but i know you

Millium’s point actually.

Why does someone who needs the fundamentals of the game re-explained to him over and over know scum has a Discord?

It could be as simple as he’s as big a fraud as I called him out as being on day 1, though. It really depends on how much you buy into the *new" act.

well derps said he was new so unless derps trolled us

I think it’s more he trolled Derps.

Mason recruiter and recruited derps? Lol juat a random guess or scum