The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

Fine, do we know what roles are in the game?

Also random mech thing, I have a feeling the game might have a few roles with flipped nights or similar modifiers

Eg and even and odd night doctor etc

Only yours

I can just tell you that I am mafia and you will die tonight if that helps you in trying to figure out that I am mafia.

It dosent help

So we don’t know how many mafia, town, and neutral parties there are in the game?

Psy is rapidly striking me like the kind of person I’d just dayvig to remove from a game without any real concern over what he flips just because it’s better for the town not to have to deal with his nonsense.

We don’t, but a good guess was to divide the player count by 4 to see how many non town their are so I’d guess 3 mafia and 1 maybe 2 neutrals

Someone correct me if I’m misremembering this

Is that a vote to Lynch me?
You’re very short tempered for someone who claims to not be a werewolf. It would be easier to get 2 people killed on night 1 if you get one banned and 1 killed.

Nice play, but that doesn’t work!

Seems a little excessive of a post to make halfway through day one about a player who’s never played before

That’s me saying if I could instantly kill you right now, I would. Players like you shouldn’t exist.

I still don’t buy it.

Pretty sus :eyes:

If I die tonight, Lynch Crescent

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I was the one who made him sign up because I thought he’d like FM

No scumteam in their right mind ever wastes a shot on garbage like you. It’s in town’s best interest to be rid of you before you do too much damage.

Oh and you can ask Chris and co. I utterly despise players like this.

That proves that I am town then if scum wont kill me? Sounds like a free tid bit of knowledge

Just seems like you’re being a dick to a new player for no good reason

don’t waste your time, he’s angry because he can’t read me and he generally has a good grasp on people :3

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