The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

Thanks for the info, i appreciate it

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9 without me

3 v 1 v 5

depending on how many poisons game’s probably over, we do need to hit a scum today for town to not be boxed in I think

but I gave up when i got my role card on fol so you do you

Hokay, if true claim then 15 players - ?town ?mafia <2=3p

general rule of something like 1/3-1//4 is mafia, ex JOAT10 in turbos is 8T 2M
But 3p so… 3M probably. Maybe two if a weakener is considered promafia enough

If not true, than assume mafia because what - ?town 3orMoremafia AL1=3p
so either 11 town to 3 maf and 2 3p, which is weird.
or 10 town to 4 maf to 1 3p
OR, there’s actually at least 2 3ps but Achro isn;t one of them

3p is not town. We’re not so far down that killing 3P hurts us.

It would just be very nice if someone like, shot scum tonight.

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I havent gone over the math and i dont have much time anymore to ponder it

i mean if zone decided to have 2 3p and 3 wolves idk what to say


april showers, which I won, had 3 scum and 2 3p in 15.

so I mean

might want to say something

I wouldnt call it impossible but like the poison is super broken if thats the case

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poison isnt that bad if you were like me. look at your role and try to lie

people are too honest tbh

also btw we’re guarenteed to not be in xylo rn, since votes aren’t locked
so uh. yeah


Are the votes going to change much over the next 2 hours? My computer is close to dying and I want to watch tv.

Half the town is backup and can’t even do anything for the game to be 1/3 anti town on top of that would be really rude though.

Though apparently Zone is nuts as a host so

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zone is in fact nuts yes.

I was already claimed unless wolves thought i was fpsing. But wolves never role blocked me, i cant say if they roleblocked me night 1 or not, so im more inclinded to believe there is still a chance bean is town off of that unless wolves wanted ti play a spicy game

Achromatic is confirmed mafia, so as long as we exe them, then I am fine with it.

one day someone will host 8v7 lylo on here as a bastard game
it would be funny i think



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*i cant say if they ever atrempted to redirect me night 1, not roleblocked.