The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

I forgot u claimed u couldnt be anti claimed, but u have to understand from my pov if that wasnt the case, why i would see u both as being wolves if that wasnt the case lol

previous thing that was in a cancelled zone game, maybe other zone games

zone does like his potions, if you care what i have to say

(no one does)

I donā€™t think itā€™s to insult them back, either.

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we do nya
youā€™re still a woof tho nya nya nya

ā€œuhm nya oops iā€™m mafia you got meā€


Oh absolutely.
But I mean I can provide my proof of saying it a few times :stuck_out_tongue:

ā€¦tehcnically, as I am consistently told, the correct action is to inform mods.

Although i sympathise.

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@Millium as the only other confirmed town I wanna suggest we actually kill scum and not the noot

Iā€™m surprised no kill?

i appreciate you.

Gonna be honest that sounds like an excuse for a fake claim.

Iā€™ve been suspecting the Cyberiad Overlord to be a wolf role all gameā€¦ do we wanna bet on it?

If our potion stopped the nightkill, itā€™s likely the potion-giver is town, as the wolves wouldnā€™t have hit into it; the potion had to be used by N3, so they couldā€™ve justā€¦ waited a day to kill us.


If someone is behaving inappropriately, you do not add fuel to the fire.

shines his site staff button

The potion is not part of our role. Itā€™s an item we were given, presumably by an inventor. Itā€™s not a useful fakeclaim.

Ok, but if an inventor is in the game, typically inventors have two or three shots or options. So why no other claims of such so far, barring anticlaim?

Well currently i suspect people are probably claiming fakes

And i would like people to highlight everything they done thay havent already

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Claims so far:
Millium - vig, poisoned
Achromatic - noot
idot - ??
Crescent - ??
Kiiruma - redirector
beancat - tracker
wrongboy - ??
SultanOfSlam - ??
Trisscar - ??

help me fill this

Kiiruma claim

Kiiruma sadness includes claim somewhat since ya boy ainā€™t wanting to die via ā€œWeakā€

Spelled it out very clearly to wrongboy.

Need I go on? :3

Who is claiming a potion?

Great question! We donā€™t know; the inventor will have to come out and tell us.