The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

You didn’t vote Kiiruma because you weren’t sure on him and you implied you only vote people you strongly think are scum.

But you state in your vote on Sultan you’re doing it because he needs “some pressure”, shortly after you listed him as neutral.

And Sultan is also the same person Kiiruma voted for. Kiiruma being the person you were calling scum, but didn’t vote.

This progression is super sketch and I want to know how you got here.

Ahh that scroll bar is scrubbable! I went up and read it. And I found this tid bit.

  • Mafia members may communicate through Discord during both phases.

So if I add all players on discord I can see when all of them are active and if there is ever a group of them active at the same time multiple days/nights in a row… then it could be a safe assumption.

Don’t expect me to stay when he says positive things.

Please dont get youself banned for angleshooting


you dodged the question

You were talking to me?

basiclly cheating, using any sort of outside knowledge eg. if someone is active somewhere else is considered cheating

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Clearly not.

Somehow my phone lost that that was supposed to be quoting you.

I kind of hate this site when I’m on phone.

I was looking for a yes or a no and got none of those

Also good luck even trying to use that when some people use online always, some people just use invis :stuck_out_tongue:

Even if you were trying to angleshoot with that it’d lead to unnecessary (and incorrect) conclusions most of the time

It’s okay Crescent, I’m also very lost on this site! We can figure it out together <3

I also don’t play by your rules, by the way.

hence the you dodged the question


I have answered your question, you want yes or no, but I give you answer.

Actually no, i am also a heavy gut reading player, i just dont think bean dserves a read like that based off that post, i dont think its fair to call it wolfy since i want them to actively keep making posts like that, its just not enough

I think jumping on kiiruma is lazy even if im also voting there.

thats cuz Kii is town

Gonna lock in that theirs at least 1 wolf on Kii

K but i dont really think its frost, so i guess we are at an impass.