The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!


Kiiruma (3): Achromatic, Millium, beancat

Between these three Im gonna go ahead and VOTE: Millium for now


You are voting townie

I just want Frost to explain their thought progression between their actions regarding Kiiruma and their vote on Sultan.

I dont see nearly as much weight in my vote as it appears you do so even if they are town the vote dosent really bother me

I will say I do think Crescent is Probably town atm

Why do u have me as town?

Do u not play forum mafia? Im failing to understand how u can genuinely make these posts

how many times do I have to say this is their first game ever of FM


Yet I voted Beancat for different reason, the misconception that I only vote for one reason. On day 1 there is no strong reason because of lacking mech.

Again, the vote on Beancat has little to do with Beancat herself and more who voted on this wagon like Millium, wrongboy and even Achromatic.

As for SDA I dislike the idea of softing roles. Heā€™s also pulling something to get his attention. So I let him be.

I hardly go on forums, let alone play games on them :3 I apologize for the inconvenience of dealing with my ignorance. I will be better ~

Well if someone asks why not just answer without the need to complain, im not going to keep back reading on mobile when i can ask a question

What do they play? ToS?

I just dont want u to get in trouble, just focus on the posts in this thread and nothing else.

soft modifiers not roles if youre referring to my more recent post! I asked and was told modifiers cant get you anticlaimed

This does nothing to explain how you went from calling Kiiruma scum and Sultan neutral to suddenly voting Sultan with Kiiruma.

Null, I also donā€™t like him voting Achro as my townread, as much I would spark my rebellious side (going against the strong townā€™s opinions to form my own)

I thought you were in thread when we were taking about it earlier

I am quite aware of that.

I appreciate the concern! I wont do anything other than make post ^^ā€™ so I think I will be good. Thereā€™s generally global rules with any chat-based thing that as long as I follow Iā€™m sure I canā€™t get in trouble ~

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