The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

@beancat It’s in here. I don’t… think… anybody opened the tiers, except Millium, who referenced it,


We’ve been agonising over the fact that NOBODY ACKNOWLEDGED THE CLAIM the entire game. Or at least I have. I couldn’t tell if people were being polite and pro-town by staying quiet or if it was just that nobody opened the readlist and saw our genius play

Nah, I am actually pretty vicious as a wolf. I step on people’s throats as scum if i feel i have to.

Also i had that as a 3p role in one of my games. They won it was dope.

If wolves did see the claim and knew about it and believed it, they wouldn’t have tried to kill us. I never directly implied the claim was fake, and I even occasionally made jokes about “fucking our hydra over” or whatever, but it’s possible wolves saw me so indignant every time someone got close to being anticlaimable and guessed we were doing some fuckery?

If wolves didn’t see it, or didn’t believe it, and we were attacked last night and stopped the kill with our Green Lotion (genius soft, Zug), then Sultan is likely not to be a wolf? Unless he thought we used it the day before, or forgot about it, or or or or or or. It’s not a clear by any means. But it makes me take my eyes off Sultan temporarily. I think he’s 3P.

yea i have no clue

We put this in the Kiiruma tier. It’s supposed to be us discussing our action, we were fakeclaiming doctor with a modifier that made our action fail if our target went anywhere. Kii seemed like he wouldn’t be able to act that night, he seemed to soft even-night, so he was a good target for such an ability.

right this was D1
then they went for derps anyway

i think it’s fair to see they did not see it

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I must inform you that as an artist I despise this

The alleged reason it was sent was that Zug was debugging Terminal of Lies, adding hidden thoughts in readlists as a feature, and pasted this message (that was not supposed to be seen) in the reply box, and I randomly hit send on it as a joke.

This seems like a contrived story, but it literally almost happened. Zug had the idea for adding hidden thoughts from us discussing how to fake-slip a role, went to implement it for real, experienced some bugs, and I almost sent it early. It’s entirely realistic for that to have occurred! It’s based on true events!

You despise it? So much so, perhaps, that you might want to exit this game… perhaps you could expedite this process by placing a vote for yourself… and appealing to emotion…

I mean could fully claim i guess but idk how helpful or unhelpful it would actually be

no no shut up and don’t claim

Assuming kiiruma’s claim is correct (and I think this is true) I have exactly

Yours Truly



If it’s 4v1v1v3 we a) don’t think have a chance of winning and b) i think XyLo would have been announced especially with the poison
I think since it hasn’t, I think Achro acting like they’ve won the game is cover for them being the anti-town anti-scum noot

And the exact team is idot/Triss/Crescent and we need to kill all three in the next 3 days, it’s 3 v 2 tmrw

like the only case a nonharmful noot achro makes sense is if it’s 5v1v1v2 again based on the fact it’s not XyLo

which a 11v1v1v2 setup seems broken even by my standards

if I was anti-town i would never claim noot (this is cute tbh)

however I am more than willing to murder anyone my esteemed cat friend tells me to. I may have lost due to a stupid role, but i am not cruel.

Triss/Creasent/could be idot could just be achro.

We are sure kii is town right?

Last line is to note here
if you are actually a JK and you protected/blocked someone last night, your first reaction should be “hey I think I have a lead”. Either the person you jailed is 100% scum or 100% town based on who exactly it was, and it’s always beneficial to reveal that information. Instead crescent just gives up and dips.
They also mention something about a neighborizing thing briefly and never brings it up, neither does anyone else say that they are in a neighborhood with crescent
This to me sounds like they are staring at the same card - JK/neighborizer combo which I think can 100% be a scum role, especially with the “can be killed” modifier - and are trying to both fakeclaim that and just fucking failed

I think if achro dies and yeets off of town then we’re good, yall can worry about the exact nature of the noot tomorrow

For now I think we off crescent/triss/idot in that order

yall why the fuck am I town leader someone do something