The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

I do want to ask though, what exactly do we consider bastard. This was brought up in spectator chat but different sites have different definitions, but personally I consider a neutral whos win condition is not pubicilly known, aka a showstopper, bastard

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apparently zone made a mistake iirc
he said d4 should have been mylo


i consider bastard host lying to the players

as long as it isnt a lie, it might be frustrating, but i wont call it bastard

for instance putting in a godfather in a closed setup without giving a hint there might be one

some communities commonly run godfather to the point it’s not bastard because it’s a sitewide expectation, disclaimer

*who ends the game automatically by their exisitance

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I agree this works in some but not all
We commonly consider jesters, esp showstopper jesters, bastard

i thought we only considered them bastard if you had no inclination that one might exist


Bastard feels like it’s trying to be a one-size-fits-all term when it… can’t be. It might be better to have multiple categories of mechanics that, if in play, must be disclosed in the OP



Think we assumed that 3p meant it wouldn’t be game over anyway, and wanted to make sure we didn’t go into the next day outed as a group.


see now that I’m writing about it there’s no mechanically difference between a show stopper and sultan just being an unstoppable arsonist who doused everyone but

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Ye that’s the conundrum. If all 3ps are expected to be non-lethal, then nobody bats an eye at trusting them within a certain span. But if a lot of 3ps are SKs, then they’re going to be autoyeeted on reveal most of the time.


The problem this game wasn’t even neutral, towm straight up couldn’t afford to kill the neutral when he claimed and mafia didn’t have any way to deal with them besides shooting them twice which is inefficient
Mafia played very well early on and put them and the neutral into a dominant position but the town landed one hit at the mafia and the neutral was almost always winnintbhefaueebifbthat




(off topic from the current topic, but)

personally the game ending unexpectedly is much less frustrating to me than false peeks. the former im just “iight” and move on. the latter incentivizes toxicity between players

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Yeah I agree with Zug. Bastard is too overarching a term. Basically means “things considered unacceptable unless expected”, and what exactly carries the baggage of being “expected” depends too heavily on the site for it to be universal and therefore it to be a fully unambiguous/useful term.

Like, I cannot tell you the last game on Nintendo Loop that did not have a Godfather. All games on Loop carry with them an implicit note of “you might get false negatives on your investigative notes!”, and therefore it’s not bastard to put a Godfather there, even if you forget to mention it outright.

A showstopper 3P is the exact kind of thing where, like… whether it is “bastard” depends heavily on the standards and expectations of the site. If it’s run in a community there’s one in every game, then everybody will know to play around it and will have a perfectly normal time playing mafia. If it’s run on a community where it’s not expected, people won’t know to play around it and will have a bad time.

“Bastard” is still a helpful enough vibecheck for how Fair the host feels their game is, but I think it’s valuable for hosts to basically… define bastard as they say it, so that it doesn’t fall to players to litigate exactly what the host feels is or is not bastard, because that’s so subjective.

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imo neutral shouldn’t have been poison mmunw
that’s the only balance complaint I think
think it’s kinda unfair oh wait the mafia literally had a rolecop that could check the win con
what did the witch do

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how do they incentivize toxicity? I come from a site that has many false investigations and it’s fine

derp didn’t even have a cop check on Kiiruma right

there was no mech there

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My definition of bastard, as I’ve learned it, mostly means “is this role theoretically fun for all the players involved in the game”.
Hence Jester being bastard, because it actively incentivizes poor play or even annoying or aggravating play, to be voted out faster. ToS has the issue of pretty much all Jesters being either silent, or trolls. There’s not really a good way to get voted out consistently otherwise.