The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!


You can agree or disagree on whether vague mech should be trusted, but it doesnā€™t make Derps and asshole by any means: from his point of view, he has information nobody else does.

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Then his death can probably prove that, which is great for my sanity and the thread

I like idotā€™s theory that I am w/w with someone, so I am pursuing that. Could be fun

look, I said it when I signed up but I will be very clear: I am only in this game for the fun, I am almost always dead night one and I dont have the attention to follow along seriously. Iā€™ll throw out some reads and have fun with all of you, and then i will die and we can all laugh about this later.


He doesnā€™t want to die, heā€™s saying his role is pro-town. I donā€™t care if you donā€™t want to interact with him, and if you genuinely think heā€™s likely to be scum, take him out, but itā€™s not pro-town to remove someone just because you personally donā€™t like them. Your campaign here reads as much more personal than winning-motivated.


In all honesty my death probably wouldnā€™t specifically clesr them to a lot of people, theirs other semi social stuff on top of the mech that confirms it, but it happened in a way that Iā€™m almost certain their town

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It just seems funny.

I also didnt have any reason to believe that, i see a person throwing out random town reads while people are discussing and being a rock when people try to interact with them, that doesnt help solve the game, it doesnt help the thread at all

And i dont agree with the idea that gut reads are baseless, and saying random stuff like, that someone being town read is a wolf, and not having the ability to explain, just baffles me. Thats not how gut reads work, those are called bad reads, and add fuel for wolves to walk around

Okay chris just having fun. That is fine lol

I havenā€™t seen what Derps is doing here as that. Heā€™s been pretty receptive to talking about his reads from what Iā€™ve seen? It was basically just the Kiiruma read that he gave without explanation, and again, thatā€™s understandable because itā€™s a mechanical read.

He was pretty stubborn with Achro, but only because it concerned Kiiruma. Youā€™re seeinf a single reasonably-motivated reason to be a brick wall regarding one player and extrapolating that to everything else heā€™s done whenā€¦ heā€™s been reasonable to my eye outside of that.

Then he should play in a pro town manner instead of playing so bullheadly

Despite my frustration im not arguing i want them dead because im petty, i genuinely think they will lpse us the game, and im not going through this again, its a waste of my time

My explanations might not generally be the greatest but I do think Iā€™m overall trying to give what I can, I just read the game at a base level different than I feel a lot of people do and struggle to express my deeper thoughts as well (this also isnā€™t a mafia specific issue with expressing deeper thoughts and reasoning for things)

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Heā€™s not being bullheaded on anything other than the mech, that I can really see? Iā€™m going to stop talking about this with you after this, because itā€™s not going to be productive, but I think your view of this slot is warped and I disagree that heā€™ll be a detriment to town. Heā€™s fine. Heā€™s playing normally.

I mean if we want to get technical, me being town, from my POV youā€™re the one actively playing anti town for trying to eliminate me


Try talking to him? I think it helped me a bit. What exactly arent you liking?

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I have too many shit experiences to have u tell me why i should handle a player i thi k is a detrement to town the way i am

This conversation is done, ive wasted to many posts doing this back and forth.

I dont even think the idea of softing so hard is the correct play of they cant even confidently call them town.

There are two people who havenā€™t spoken ar all over halfway through the day, and one in Someone who hasnā€™t said much at all. I would absolutely cast their play as much more objectively detrimental than someone who isnā€™t the greatest at explaining themselves.