The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

I exspected more out of isoing Creasent but i know she seems genuinely annoied by Psy more than half her posts were annoyance.

She also did have a nice little dig at Wolf for voting a Null in we with his top scum read at the time. That is a bit odd but wolf did clearly say he wanted to pressue me.

Liked Wolfs vote at the time on me beacuse i was not active at the time.

Creasent moves from town lean to null scum lean. Could easily change when she comes back.

Yes, what I mean is to prompt you into talking.

One part of Beancats post.

Initially i was like okay i can buy this but then i had a feeling why would you mention this?
Feels like a stab just to take a random stab.

This is the one actual post from Bean, the rest if the posts are fluffy and this big “catch up post” is very Balnd.

VOTE: beancat


VOTE: beancat


VOTE: beancat

Ill join the pressure!

From what I have seen so far, its not looking good for Beancat.

VOTE: Beancat

This is far enough I think

In general, I apologise for being short with being scumread this game, but also… after seven consecutive games of being executed every time I am town, and endgaming every time I am wolf (barring Litten’s game, where I was executed for mech reasons and where people generally thought I was town even after my death), I cannot keep blaming myself for people suspecting me incorrectly.

At some point, it becomes evident that you all have a collective skill issue, and I am going to defend myself by invoking it. If you’re suspecting me for stupid reasons that have gotten you burned before, I’m going to tell you as much. I am tired of being nice!

Hammer is… what, 8?

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Yeah, I think 5 votes should be enough for time being.

Genuinely I have been executed every towngame and endgamed/pretty much endgamed (Litten’s game) every wolfgame since after FAM3. That was the summer. This is the winter. 6 months of skill issues is too many

Beancat is vaguely wolfy in all of her posts but I also think it is kind of a nothingwagon. It’s cotton candy. Sweet but insubstantial. I do not want this to be the Consensus, Unquestioned wagon at EoD. I want competition

All of the other wagons with votes are uninteresting to me. Well not Millium really but you’ll kill me if I push that. When are IGCD and Kabazame gonna show up

To refresh your memory, has this been discussed privately between you and Zugzwang?

Zug is not here right now

We have not discussed what wagon we want to vote at EoD because it is not yet EoD

But did you consider another list of suspects you spoke together with Zug in case for EoD?

No because it was over 12 hours until EoD and presumably we’d both be on before then