The Grand Idea Game in which Nothing Can Go Wrong in Any Way Whatsoever - GAME OVER

I belive your win con is if more then half of living. You could just keep jake around till final 4 make a deal with the last scum and serf them

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genuine question
do you just sit in the thread like
the majority of the day

why not
just kill mafia???

i check it a lot

fr tho, i had fun hosting this, and i hope you wont avoid my games like the plague (even if your PM was chaos). Thanks for playing!

you and eliza owe me money for lying to me

Man if only yall could stop dying

to not allow perma night???

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This link expired

I just wanted to use my ability once!

well maybe that shouldn’t be a possibility???

But it was.

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bro the entire setup shouldnt be a possibility


new link that I just made

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we had 2 inno childs, 1 auto confirm vig, another day vig, fucking OL

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Thanks, you’re a real one

also, 2 day skips on the same scum team

this setup was actual cancer

I still haven’t finished that homework I started though haha