The Picture of Dorian Gray FM - Day 4 (7/13) - Mafia Wins

Bout to say

But why

Because it gets a result either way?

/shrug dont do what kiiruma said please

I’m not

I don’t like ISOs anyway for the same reason I don’t block people in Discord servers: I miss out on context and it just requires more effort to find said context

I’m reading from post #7 and keeping notes on posts which grab my interest

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Honestly its better than nothing. Tbh this is probably one of the easier games to do that with how many people are under 20 posts

It is also early on, not as many posts to search

Im okay killing may there “catch up post” was abunch of nothing

Or in her words Boring

Almost done making the list of the posts I find interesting (up until #100 just to get some list out there while I work on the next 500 posts)

@Prisma101 i am struggling to stay awake atm. so i’ll read what ya post in the morning.
@thepigeonnyc @soweli please post more. actually tbf on the quick iso Pig did state a read. i’ll read pig more in the morning me thinks.

List of notes up to post #100
#xx refers to the post number - the list includes only those who appeared in between post #1 and #100

  1. Ash - Music - Unsure

    • Nothing of note
  2. SirDerpsAlot (before @May) - Diabolical deals - Unsure (maybe Mafia)

    • #26 - says a thing that can either imply mafia or be clueless (which as they have played more than me suggests otherwise) or being knowingly suspicious to throw people off
    • #75 - is (I would say) reasonably defensive about a ‘bad’ vote
    • #86 - has thrown out a list of Scum to lock in despite 2/3 not having posted yet, could be a joke though
  3. Hazardwaste - Music - Unsure

    • Nothing of note
  4. Bionic - Drawing - Unsure

    • Nothing of note
  5. @carbonated - Diabolical deals - Unsure (maybe Town)

    • #29 - gives a very good (I understood it even when I usually wouldn’t) explanation of Diabolical deals, I can’t really see anything in the example that says mafia or is cause for suspicion
    • #34 - is where some concern may come from, but I see it as a nervous thought for them by realising the power they hold with deals - though I could easily be making shit up
    • #88 - As with the other post (#85) this cannot confirm you as a Town this game or make us more inclined to believe you to be Town or Mafia
  6. @JKBenbot - Articles - Unsure (maybe Town)

    • Up until #80 - hasn’t said much of note (or at all)
    • #80 - the first part isn’t accurate from what I’ve seen, the reason given wasn’t that deals need to go because of the risk. The second part is a fair assumption, but it doesn’t fit with the reason provided.
  7. @Kiiruma - Articles - Unsure but heavy Mafia lean

    • #60 - semi unrelated note: great point!
    • #61 - followed by a not so great one! In my opinion at least. Diabolical deals wouldn’t be indicative of alignment considering the actions were chosen before the roles were given out - I don’t find the reasoning given to be very good. It was said Townies worry about what would harm other Townies - in my understanding - and Mafia has a cost aspect to it but Town has the cost of accidentally killing off a town
    • #85 - the thing with this is we cannot confirm you are actually Town, which just gives this post the air of attempted guilting. It also seems a bit dramatic to give up this easily after you made a poor vote and the people questioning you about it haven’t even voted for you yet giving you benefit of the doubt and a chance to properly explain
  8. Memekingpizza - Music - Unsure

    • Nothing of note

This may look like incoherent rambling

It might be incoherent rambling

But it’s what I got

This was written without proper understanding of what the deals do so ignore it (I checked through the description again)

Okay so I’m a liar and I didn’t backread yet because I decided I was going to lie in bed and doze off me when rainy days

So instead, I’ll offer some preliminary vibereads without reading too much into the thing based off of what I remembered last night:

Watch me be massively wrong

4 for 4


While I wont vote yet, you are the top of my list so far

I’m sorry but I’m having difficulty reading that

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oops um

i’ll try to read my own handwriting