The Picture of Dorian Gray FM - Day 4 (7/13) - Mafia Wins

And it’s 3 for 3 on players disliking my vote lmao

Really knocked it out of the park already.
Ez game.


A hearts game to now Mafia. it’s time to see if I can win this once more or lose again. Did I just enter this chat with a monologue yes… what can you do about it… nothing. :D.


It’s fine, it’s not like I’ve dealt with rolling wolf several times in a row.
I make a read as town and I’m already fucked so my green game of respite is off to a wonderful start.


Scum team lock it in rn

oh hey sultan is playing he is cool

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hey hey hey i haven’t randed scum in a year and i intend to keep it that way

you say this like people saying you’re wrong makes you locked scum. i think your vote was poor. but from you voting early in the first place and the reaction after people stated they disliked it reads as more townie then not.

tbf Bionic and JK did lol

So hows everyone day before we start accusing each other in the late half of this day?

bit too late for that.
I am about to head to work so not great

You Mkp?

Stressed fun. Cus I’m dealing with a “death game” to make it further into that game.


like it’s stressful but fun yknow… i dunno if I explained that well.

what death game and further into what game???

Oh my how did you know
:cold_face: :scream:

it’s 1130 pm and i’m done with hw so i should prolly sleep :zzz:

a death game themed game on discord. I have to make a choice to not die but kill others.