The Picture of Dorian Gray FM - Day 4 (7/13) - Mafia Wins

im enjoying watching this happen and seeing the number go up and up

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The answer is the [spoiler] Nya. [\spoiler]

You have to have text that’s not a hyperlink.

That’s a rickroll right Ash

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don’t try to fool me

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you’re not rudimentarychef

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This contains your turn to die spoilers (Chapter 1 part 2 things) But this is the song I submmited and is what caused the neighboorhood to happen meaning I was probaly the one activated.

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Well I think it’s what caused it. I can see the world where I just made a chat with a group based on who I targeted.

I am, unfortunately, at the bottom of their flamboyance ranking.

on another note. This song is a bop

This just Feels like a w!Ash joke. Am I losing my mind

Your reaponse to my question was terrible so nah

0 town points for you

So hazard if i hand you a gun who you shoting


Okay interesting

And you?

Probably the same except soweli over carb

i wonder why :grin:

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No, you’re May.

We do not need to speak of…the incident.

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