The Picture of Dorian Gray FM - Day 4 (7/13) - Mafia Wins

fr tho its like noon where is everyone

i’m online :)

I refuse to talk to you atm if you wont make social reads >:(

if you want to discuss social reads tho id be down

you can tell me your social reads

ash can back me up on idk how to do social reads

so i’m learning!

you can’t learn if you dont try

can’t learn without watching first :slight_smile:
now what fool goes into the field of murder and attempts murder w/o watching how it’s properly done first?

you’ve played other games surely you’ve observed more than enough at this point to attempt to put the ideas into practice yourself? Its silly to worry about being wrong as that’s like the whole point of the game. And if you aren’t worried about being wrong Im not sure whats stopping you from trying

i play mech heavy games social reads are much rarer

i’m absolutely worried abt being wrong but lmao I j wanna sit back and let things cook for it before I make an opinion too fast
i feel like if you have an opinion too fast sometimes that is not a good thing

If you trust yourself so little to make social reads, then why does your opinion on people making conclusions too fast actually matter? That is a social read itself

Oh I didn’t see it that way XD but also what I mean by too fast is - no mech confirmation, which already makes it more difficult, and secondly, there’s been what 152 posts which doesn’t feels ubstantial enough

though eh maybe it’s j cuz i’m used to a diff playstyle

Can you help my apply this line of logic to a mountainous game with no mechanical roles at all other than the kill

somet hings could turn into mechanics is what i mean

Can you elaborate on this I dont think I quite understand what you mean here

your role could produce mechanical results

Im asking you to take that line of logic I quoted, and apply it to a mountainous style game where no one has any abilities

meaning - nothing actually happened yet so it’s hard to take things into acct ig is what i mean

idk if i’m saying this right :skull: