The Picture of Dorian Gray FM - Day 4 (7/13) - Mafia Wins


I went BotC route.
And May said “Blood on the Clocktower lol”

Oh I said this because my ability resembles… that one character I forget what it’s called from Bootlegger’s Anthology. I didn’t get any BotC related info

Now I’ve given away my N2 article topic and I was wrong about being excited that I just had a passive ability :sob:

Yes I wrote a 500-ish word article and it was BotC related.

And no, I probably wasn’t activated then.

Damn it I got my hopes up from seeing May mention BotC lol


Try to what?

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My drawing last night was a monster protecting a penguin.

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Why a penguin?

It was a penguin that looked like a wizard so he had abeard hoping it be interpretation as protect sultan who has a beard in profile photo.

Idk i. Pretty much just having fun drawing random shit.

Ifcim getting this right we should kill bionic

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Why do you think we should kill Bionic?

nah i just had a theory the last one of may’s three choices was drawn so it must equate to some one who had drawn a prompt.
it was either your or Bionic and Bionic claimed to have idled

Kiiruma had a really good day 1.
I dont remember much of them in day 2… outside of the beginning discussion. brb

I’m guessing that Sultan’s drawing was what Zugzwang was interpreting and deciding on, either because the picture was difficult to discern or potentially because the GMs were deciding whether they wanted to have Sultan’s heal be on himself or on someone else.


well if someone had to interpret it actually. it would have to be a picture or music

Rereading it, and the exact wording May gave was “convinced the hosts to make a decision”.

oh this one too. he did then do a few reads yesterday but these are really the only points he brought up.

@May what changed your mind?

oh i thought i was gonna be smart nvm